TTC after 35

Christmas 2WW


Re: Christmas 2WW

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    Well extra tired and breaking out a lot and felt kinda nauseas this morning. Here's hoping that means something. I've been breaking out during the 2ww terribly ever since we started ttc. Super annoying trick my body is pulling!
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    Hoping to hear about lots of BFP's around the holidays! FX crossed for everyone!
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    FX @MySallyGirl
    I am not sure how to say this without getting a "solicitation" warning so I guess I just say that I am not longer active on THIS site. 

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    I had spotting last night.  And it surprised me because I am not due for AF until about Monday.  I should be around 10 dpo today so of course I am thinking crazy...could it be IB?? Yeah right.  It is very rare and I have never had that before.  It was when SO and I DTD so most likely it is from that or I am starting AF early.  I haven't had anymore spotting since but I should know by tonight if it is AF.
    ****Siggy Warning***
    ~Formerly ABabyMabe4us

    Me(35) Him(35) Untied for life 4/1/2015.
    TTC Our 1st since 8/2014
    MC @ 7 weeks 5/2014
    Me: DD#1 3/2000, DD#2 6/2001, DS 5/2003
    BFP: 2/19/2015 EDD: 11/1/2015 IT'S A BOY!!!!

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    Oh and since I didn't have any additional spotting when I got up this morning, I was a fool and POAS...BFN 
    ****Siggy Warning***
    ~Formerly ABabyMabe4us

    Me(35) Him(35) Untied for life 4/1/2015.
    TTC Our 1st since 8/2014
    MC @ 7 weeks 5/2014
    Me: DD#1 3/2000, DD#2 6/2001, DS 5/2003
    BFP: 2/19/2015 EDD: 11/1/2015 IT'S A BOY!!!!

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    I hope it's not AF coming! FX!
    I am not sure how to say this without getting a "solicitation" warning so I guess I just say that I am not longer active on THIS site. 

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    @nikolie93 So far I am clear and had just the one episode, so I am thinking it was a broken blood vessel. Looking forward to reading a wonderful update from your appointment today.
    ****Siggy Warning***
    ~Formerly ABabyMabe4us

    Me(35) Him(35) Untied for life 4/1/2015.
    TTC Our 1st since 8/2014
    MC @ 7 weeks 5/2014
    Me: DD#1 3/2000, DD#2 6/2001, DS 5/2003
    BFP: 2/19/2015 EDD: 11/1/2015 IT'S A BOY!!!!

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    Oh ladies - what a day.  Just a busy exhausting one.  If I wasn't in the 2ww I'd be having a drink tonight!  :)  Even though the holidays bring their own kind of stress, I sure am looking forward to a few days off.
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    So how is everyone doing?  Driving yourselves crazy yet?  Are you going to try to wait until you miss your period to test? 

    A gal on another board I'm a part of announced her accidental pregnancy today.  It made me so sad and jealous.  I'm going to try and wait to test until Sunday, but I just feel discouraged about it like I'll probably just get bfn again.  Negative and tired today.  yuck.
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    Hugs @mysallygirl  I didn't start AF so I had a fluke spotting.  Cramps are starting today and AF is due around Monday.  Hope is flickering fast.  It is so hard to see those BFNs.  
    ****Siggy Warning***
    ~Formerly ABabyMabe4us

    Me(35) Him(35) Untied for life 4/1/2015.
    TTC Our 1st since 8/2014
    MC @ 7 weeks 5/2014
    Me: DD#1 3/2000, DD#2 6/2001, DS 5/2003
    BFP: 2/19/2015 EDD: 11/1/2015 IT'S A BOY!!!!

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    susykat77susykat77 member
    edited December 2014
    @mysallygirl Yes!! I am driving myself crazy!!! I think I'll wait to test with you. I am not quite sure when I am due... before acupuncture I had 25 day cycles but last month was 27 days. Sunday will be day 27...  And like you @sonpetitlapin - AF should show up on Monday (but maybe she won't?!) Hugs to you both!!

    FX for us all!!

    edited because I forgot the hugs!

    ***TW****MC mentioned & BFP mentioned***

    me 38 DH 39.  
    TTC#1 since July 2014
    AMH 0.1, DOR, Poor responder
    Moved to Prague, Czech Republic for IVF
    2 Natural IVF cycles, 3 full IVF cycles, 4 transfers, 1 BFP - heard heartbeat at 6w5d
    Diagnosed MMC at 9w1d on 11/30/15
    Headed back home to Colorado 12/12/15

    DE attempt in Czech Republic!! 

    March trip to Prague canceled due to Pancreatitis. :sob:
    Headed to Prague April 30
    3 different donors resulted in 1 PGS tested embryo and 1 fresh embryo
    2 embryo's transferred (from 2 different donors) on 5/10/16
    BFP on 5/15/16 at 5dp5dt
    Beta 1 = 81 at 8dp5dt, Beta 2 = 295 at 10dp5dt, Beta 3 = 891 at 12dt5dt. Beta 4 = 2114 at 14dp5dt, Beta 5 = 4916 at 16dp5dt, Beta 6 = 13252 at 19dp5dt
    Heartbeat at 6w5d 133BPM <3
    We are having a GIRL!!! Due Jan 26, 2017

    BabyFruit Ticker

    My blog:

    Babysizer Cravings Pregnancy Tracker
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    I am definitely driving myself crazy!! I am trying not to think about it--which translates to "I think about it all the time". Every twinge south of my belly button makes me wonder. It is taking everything in my power not to pull out the FRER and test early. 

    And to make matters worse, this morning in a work meeting, people were talking to the girl next to me, who is due in March about her pregnancy. Well lo and behold, someone turned to me and asked "so do you have any good news to tell us?".  The women who asked clearly caught herself and made it clear she was joking. My response was "We're working on it" but what I really wanted to say was "Well, we are working with an RE over at ___, and my IUI was a bust this month so I am waiting till this weekend to pee on a stick and see if our Hail Mary sex was successful. Thanks for asking."  Ugh. 
    39 y/o DH 45 
    Married in April 2014 
    TTC since May 2014
    Oct 2014: RE Consultation
    Nov 2014: Submucosal fibroid removed
    Dec 2014: Letrozole CD 3-7. IUI canceled. BFN
    Jan 2015: Letrozole CD 3-7. Ovridel HSG Trigger. IUI#1 BFN
    IUI#2 next
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    thank you @susykat77 I hope she stays away for all of us.  It is so hard to remain positive when you know she will be there knocking on the door.
    ****Siggy Warning***
    ~Formerly ABabyMabe4us

    Me(35) Him(35) Untied for life 4/1/2015.
    TTC Our 1st since 8/2014
    MC @ 7 weeks 5/2014
    Me: DD#1 3/2000, DD#2 6/2001, DS 5/2003
    BFP: 2/19/2015 EDD: 11/1/2015 IT'S A BOY!!!!

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    @nd613 the curious questions that only make you feel worse suck!  :( 

    Stay away AF!  Bring us some bfps for Christmas!  Prayers for each of you ladies even though I'm kinda down in the dumps today! 
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    HUGs @mysallygirl  Cheer up!!!  I know it is hard moving through this process.  Give yourself your time though and take care of you.
    ****Siggy Warning***
    ~Formerly ABabyMabe4us

    Me(35) Him(35) Untied for life 4/1/2015.
    TTC Our 1st since 8/2014
    MC @ 7 weeks 5/2014
    Me: DD#1 3/2000, DD#2 6/2001, DS 5/2003
    BFP: 2/19/2015 EDD: 11/1/2015 IT'S A BOY!!!!

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    Thanks for the encouragement.  Sending good thoughts your way too.
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    I'm trying to decide whether to take a test tomorrow morning or just do my damn beta (tomorrow am) and see what it says.  It's 12DPO (14 days post-trigger), so it's a little early for anyway.  

    I was a little traumatized last month when I took a HPT, got a BFN, cried all the way to my REs office, got myself under control to walk in and then the lab lady asked me "OH! Are you pregnant?" in a perky-ass voice.  I lost it and started ugly sobbing.  Maybe it's better to just go in and get the lab drawn and let them call me with the result.  

    @MySallyGirl, I was sitting in my RE's waiting room when I got a text that my good friend was accidentally pregnant and NOT happy about it (she's married, but had a 11 month old at the time and just wasn't quite ready to "try" again - trying for her consists of a night of unprotected sex with her husband).  UGH!  I feel your pain.
    *** Child & current pregnancy mentioned ***
    Me - 41 (PCOS), Hubby - 43 (healthy)
    7/2013 - Sweet baby girl born (Clomid + TI)
    3/2014 - TTC #2, return to RE 7/2014
    12/2015: IVF #1 transferred two great looking embryos - BFP!
    First ultrasound: TWO beautiful little heartbeats!!
    Harmony: negative; level 2: babies look great and are boy/girl! :) 
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    I am still here ladies, fingers and toes crossed that it happens for you that are still in the game this month! 


    I am not sure how to say this without getting a "solicitation" warning so I guess I just say that I am not longer active on THIS site. 

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    since you all convinced me to change my chart, imma join you all here :)
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    since you all convinced me to change my chart, imma join you all here :)
    I am not sure how to say this without getting a "solicitation" warning so I guess I just say that I am not longer active on THIS site. 

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    Love ya @nikolie93

    WOOHOO!!! @flyiceandcoffee!!!!  Welcome FX for you!
    ****Siggy Warning***
    ~Formerly ABabyMabe4us

    Me(35) Him(35) Untied for life 4/1/2015.
    TTC Our 1st since 8/2014
    MC @ 7 weeks 5/2014
    Me: DD#1 3/2000, DD#2 6/2001, DS 5/2003
    BFP: 2/19/2015 EDD: 11/1/2015 IT'S A BOY!!!!

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    Hoping for some BFPs in the next few days from you ladies!

    AF is due for me tomorrow, have been pms-ing and this am the dreaded temp drop, so I'm guessing she'll show up right on schedule (if only my real friends were so reliable and on time, ha!)

    I'm bummed, I was really hoping I'd have some good news to surprise my folks with over the holidays (we'd tell them right away, since we would go to them if anything happened, too). It would have been awesome to have gotten engaged, married, and KU in one year...but I guess bodies don't just do what we'd like all the time!
    36, DH 31 TTC #1 since we got married, July 2014.
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    Damn, sorry for AF coming @wannabmama23. *hug*
    I am not sure how to say this without getting a "solicitation" warning so I guess I just say that I am not longer active on THIS site. 

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    @wannabmama23 BOO!!!  I am sorry. :(
    ****Siggy Warning***
    ~Formerly ABabyMabe4us

    Me(35) Him(35) Untied for life 4/1/2015.
    TTC Our 1st since 8/2014
    MC @ 7 weeks 5/2014
    Me: DD#1 3/2000, DD#2 6/2001, DS 5/2003
    BFP: 2/19/2015 EDD: 11/1/2015 IT'S A BOY!!!!

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    @Nikolie93‌ thanks, I needed the hug today.

    (I also needed the bright red silk shirt I bought to go out wild in NYC with my best friends this weekend...that should lift me right up!)
    36, DH 31 TTC #1 since we got married, July 2014.
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    I"m sorry @wannabmama23:( 
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    booo, I'm sorry @wannabmama23
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    Red silk shirts are awesome. Have fun this weekend!
    I am not sure how to say this without getting a "solicitation" warning so I guess I just say that I am not longer active on THIS site. 

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    Sorry @wannabmama23‌! :( Have fun in NYC though.
    *** Child & current pregnancy mentioned ***
    Me - 41 (PCOS), Hubby - 43 (healthy)
    7/2013 - Sweet baby girl born (Clomid + TI)
    3/2014 - TTC #2, return to RE 7/2014
    12/2015: IVF #1 transferred two great looking embryos - BFP!
    First ultrasound: TWO beautiful little heartbeats!!
    Harmony: negative; level 2: babies look great and are boy/girl! :) 
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    @wannabmama23 new shirts give great hugs :)
    me:41   dh:43 
    Off Mirena Nov 2013, On Nuvaring end of Jan, Back off Sept 2014.  Never ending cycle starting end of Sept... 
    11/14 Provera failed... cycle continues 
    12/14 High FSH (57 "midcycle")  OBGYN had no clue... about anything 
    01/15 More lab results coming back from RE. U/S showed small (1")cyst on left ovary, thin lining, and couldn't locate right ovary so  possibly straight to DE and IVF 

    Occassionally mess with the chart below to see "what if" and learn (not to make it pretty but because FF stays drunk with me).  

    My Ovulation Chart
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    Sorry @wannabmama23 have a safe fun trip in NY
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    We have a year end party today at work is today at a local bar/restaurant.  And there will be free drink etc.  So I tested this morning.  BFN  Since I am expecting AF around Monday, I am positive I am out.  I am cramping and other than that, nothing anymore.
    ****Siggy Warning***
    ~Formerly ABabyMabe4us

    Me(35) Him(35) Untied for life 4/1/2015.
    TTC Our 1st since 8/2014
    MC @ 7 weeks 5/2014
    Me: DD#1 3/2000, DD#2 6/2001, DS 5/2003
    BFP: 2/19/2015 EDD: 11/1/2015 IT'S A BOY!!!!

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    susykat77susykat77 member
    edited December 2014
    *Child mentioned. Not mine.*

    My temperature dropped this morning. I'm pretty sure I'm out. I'm so disappointed. I was hoping to surprise my in laws over Christmas. Neither of my parents or grandparents are living. My husbands family is close and between his 3 siblings they have a 2.5 yr old girl, twin boys that are 2, 1 yr old girl, and a 4 month old boy. I know I am about to sound childish but it's my turn! I want to get pregnant and have a baby! Boo hoo.

    @sonpetitlapin‌ hugs.

    ***TW****MC mentioned & BFP mentioned***

    me 38 DH 39.  
    TTC#1 since July 2014
    AMH 0.1, DOR, Poor responder
    Moved to Prague, Czech Republic for IVF
    2 Natural IVF cycles, 3 full IVF cycles, 4 transfers, 1 BFP - heard heartbeat at 6w5d
    Diagnosed MMC at 9w1d on 11/30/15
    Headed back home to Colorado 12/12/15

    DE attempt in Czech Republic!! 

    March trip to Prague canceled due to Pancreatitis. :sob:
    Headed to Prague April 30
    3 different donors resulted in 1 PGS tested embryo and 1 fresh embryo
    2 embryo's transferred (from 2 different donors) on 5/10/16
    BFP on 5/15/16 at 5dp5dt
    Beta 1 = 81 at 8dp5dt, Beta 2 = 295 at 10dp5dt, Beta 3 = 891 at 12dt5dt. Beta 4 = 2114 at 14dp5dt, Beta 5 = 4916 at 16dp5dt, Beta 6 = 13252 at 19dp5dt
    Heartbeat at 6w5d 133BPM <3
    We are having a GIRL!!! Due Jan 26, 2017

    BabyFruit Ticker

    My blog:

    Babysizer Cravings Pregnancy Tracker
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    I'm sorry you're out this month @sonpetitlapin‌ and @suzykat77. Enjoy your holiday drinks and fx January is your month!
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    I'm sorry, ladies. Big *hugs* to you.

    I will be drinking all the alcohol with you this holiday season!
    I am not sure how to say this without getting a "solicitation" warning so I guess I just say that I am not longer active on THIS site. 

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    @sonpetitlapin‌ and @suzykat77 sorry you're joining me on the "out" list. I hope you make up for it with lots of celebrating over the holidays.

    I just noticed my next FW should be around NYE and the weekend at least that should be some good BD time. Here's hoping we can kick off 2015 with a bang...tee hee...pun intended.
    36, DH 31 TTC #1 since we got married, July 2014.
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    I'm out. Negative beta this morning. I'm so discouraged. Good luck everyone else waiting to test...
    *** Child & current pregnancy mentioned ***
    Me - 41 (PCOS), Hubby - 43 (healthy)
    7/2013 - Sweet baby girl born (Clomid + TI)
    3/2014 - TTC #2, return to RE 7/2014
    12/2015: IVF #1 transferred two great looking embryos - BFP!
    First ultrasound: TWO beautiful little heartbeats!!
    Harmony: negative; level 2: babies look great and are boy/girl! :) 
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