So after i was told i had a completed miscarriage, i find out a week later i was having an ectopic pregnancy.. they figured this because my levels dropped once, and continued to double. i had an ultrasound done at the ER when they though i was having a miscarriage.. they didn't see anything on it cause i was too early, and the doctor figured this because he done a cervix check and said i was like 2-3 weeks pregnant.. well now, im being told im having an ectopic pregnancy. i had yet another ultrasound done at the ob office, and they couldn't see anything. but then again, they probably wouldn't with how shitty the ultrasound was. anyways they couldn't see anything in the uterus. all they seen was my left ovarian cyst and apparenly they were concerned about it being in my C section scar. either way, they weren't 100 percent sure about ANYTHING. so they offered me the Mtx shot and i took it.. my levels were 329 before the MTX and 4 days later they shot up to 544, yesterday i went in for my 7 day draw and i found out they went up 20 points.. so now i have to go back in tomorrow and do more blood work, and i guess depending on what those results are, i'll be getting another dose. i am soo sick of being poked. i just want all this to be over with already. i honestly didn't feel in my heart i was having an EP because i had no symptoms. all they went on was one hcg drop. i got the shot because i just want this to be over with, plus it was like they were pushing me to get it.. as if i didn't have any other choice.. is there any way they misdiagnosed me???
Re: diagnosed with ectopic.