High-Risk Pregnancy

diagnosed with ectopic.

So after i was told i had a completed miscarriage, i find out a week later i was having an ectopic pregnancy.. they figured this because my levels dropped once, and continued to double. i had an ultrasound done at the ER when they though i was having a miscarriage.. they didn't see anything on it cause i was too early, and the doctor figured this because he done a cervix check and said i was like 2-3 weeks pregnant.. well now, im being told im having an ectopic pregnancy. i had yet another ultrasound done at the ob office, and they couldn't see anything. but then again, they probably wouldn't with how shitty the ultrasound was. anyways they couldn't see anything in the uterus. all they seen was my left ovarian cyst and apparenly they were concerned about it being in my C section scar. either way, they weren't 100 percent sure about ANYTHING. so they offered me the Mtx shot and i took it.. my levels were 329 before the MTX and 4 days later they shot up to 544, yesterday i went in for my 7 day draw and i found out they went up 20 points.. so now i have to go back in tomorrow and do more blood work, and i guess depending on what those results are, i'll be getting another dose. i am soo sick of being poked. i just want all this to be over with already. i honestly didn't feel in my heart i was having an EP because i had no symptoms. all they went on was one hcg drop. i got the shot because i just want this to be over with, plus it was like they were pushing me to get it.. as if i didn't have any other choice.. is there any way they misdiagnosed me??? 

Re: diagnosed with ectopic.

  • If your numbers are going up, and there isn't anything in your uterus, then it's most likely ectopic. I had a similar situation 2 years ago; thought it was a m/c so went in for a D&C (my body wasn't bleeding or anything) and there was nothing in my uterus, even though they could, at that point, see it on the ultrasound. I ended up with 2 rounds of MTX, and narrowly avoided surgery. In the end I took some meds for a week that made me bleed like crazy, and I was ok after that. From diagnosis as m/c to when I finally stopped bleeding was 6 months. Hang in there. 
  • dmndldydmndldy member
    edited December 2014
    I have had two ectopic pregnancys and that is what happened both times. Your levels will go up and down and up and down. I remember my first one went on I felt like forever but pretty sure it was a good few months until I stopped bleeding. I took the shot both times. If you don't do that then they do surgery and that can cause major issues. I can tell you after two I had a successful pregnancy with my son. I currently waiting for blood results tomorrow to find out what is going on because my last period was nov 3rd, and all pregnancy tests show negative. I'm hoping for good news. What your going through is normal. Doesn't make it ok, or make you feel any better. I remember my husband rented me a puppy movie to watch just to maybe get a smile from me the day I found out about my first one. With time it will get better. ❤️
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  • So this was me last year. I had two doses of methotrexate. It didn't work at all. My tube finally ruptued and I almost bled to death. I had to get a blood transfusion. My advice to you is to opt for the surgery.
  • I had an ectopic. Had my right tube and the pregnancy removed in May. It's now December and I am 10 weeks and 6 days pregnant. I am seeing a high risk doctor. As I still get pains from the surgery. (Scar tissue) I found out that due to multiple ovarian cysts that kept rupturing my tube was severely damaged. But my left side is working great! Don't give up!!
  • With the methotrexate, your hcg number will go up before it drops. I was advised by my doctor that this would occur and my number did indeed go up, but then went down eventually. I had to get 2 shots though because my number was not going down fast enough. Hang in there!
  • With the methotrexate, your hcg number will go up before it drops. 
    Not always. Mine did not continue to go up, it started to drop after the shots right away. 
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