June 2013 Moms

AW: M.irabelle Iris has arrived!

edited December 2014 in June 2013 Moms
Contractions started in earnest around 3 or 4 this morning, about 10-12 mins apart. By 8, I woke up DH because B was awake and contractions were ~6 mins apart. Around 9 I called the doctor & texted our doula. We got checked in around 10 and I was at 7-8cm (despite my planning to go in earlier to be hooked up to antibiotics for an appropriate amount of time). At 1:30 I started pushing and she was born 2 minutes later. 7lbs, 1oz, 20"

Just to be contrary, she has tons of extremely dark hair.

They'll probably keep her for 2 days because I wasn't hooked up to the antibiotics for long enough to monitor her for group B strep complications. Our blood types are also different and mixed at some point, so she's at higher risk for jaundice.

Edit: she is 20". Benjamin was 21"


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Re: AW: M.irabelle Iris has arrived!

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