My body is screwing with me. I started spotting Thursday night and yesterday I put my cup in and when I took it out before bed it was empty... But then I had bright red spotting so I put it back in and this morning again empty. WTF body?? I POAS and still BFN.
@adeb9562 sorry to hear she chipped her teeth, dd1 did the same thing at the same age, tripped over her own feet, but landed her mouth on my parents fireplace....chipped both front teeth, they just checked they weren't sharp and then left them because they would fall out anyways....hope she's ok.....
@adeb9562 awwww poor little lady! Babies fall even when everyone is watching, Ian tripped over my H's foot last weekend and had to get his forehead glued. When DD was this age she fell and whacked her incisor so hard it died, and now she has a grey tooth. It happens and your H needs to CTFD.
Toe update, I had the Doctor inject my toe joint with cortisone yesterday and holy hell did that hurt, but it was over quick, by yesterday evening though my toe was throbbing and I could hardly walk. It's slightly better today, I'm just praying it calms down once the cortisone kicks in. I am not sure I can work if it doesn't improve, it hurts way more now then before I injected it.
Oh trust me I've told MH he needs to go to the therapist too because he has rage issues. He, of course, denies that he has any problems what so ever.
My in-laws know he's got problems. My MIL just wishes me luck. They are used to his rage issues and don't do anything now to try to stop it.
We'll be going well enough for a while but then "something"happens and it sets him off again.
My parents are just sick over the whole teeth issue. They feel horrible that it happen at their house but there wasn't anything that could've been done to prevent it. She tripped. It was an accident. MH just doesn't believe any of us.
I feel bad too. Poor DD's smile was finally even (finally got tooth#8 just last week) and now she's missing a couple chunks off the two front teeth - imagine an upside down V on the two front teeth... just not quite so severe).
Anyways, hopefully tomorrow he'll not explode. But I highly doubt it. He's very unreasonable and has expectations that are unreasonable when it comes to DD.
This is a very round-about way of avoiding a very direct question, which only makes me more nervous.
I'm not resting on any laurels because I'm getting out of a nutso situation myself, but please remember that the roles you both accept in your relationship are what you daughter will aspire to, whether consciously or subconsciously. It would be a shame if she accepted that all women should be treated this way in her adult relationships.
I agree with everyone else adeb, you need to get out of there. It sounds like you are endangering not only yourself but your daughter as well. Kids do "dumb" things and the last thing you would want is for him to lose it on her. If everything you say about this situation is true, you have family support to back you up. I feel like it's foolish of you to do absolutely nothing. It's been awful, it's not getting better, so get out. I mean that in the nicest way possible.
@adeb9562 I'm really sorry to hear about your situation. The fact that you are posting it here shows that you want help. I'm not quite sure if/how we can help, but you need to seek professional help.
You're worried about losing your lo to someone with rage issues? If you seek appropriate help he shouldn't be able to get custody. Also aren't you worried about his rage becoming toward your lo?
I have FOUR kids and ZERO family support. If I can do it, so can you.
ETA: I get the fear. Once you let go of the "what if's" and commit yourself to making it one day at a time, you'll be amazed at the doors that open up.
Re: 12/6 medical update puts the lotion on its skin
Good morning to you too
Well, he's usually never home to nap, so I don't know? I'd assume he'd think napping was ok, though. Ugh.
Feel better, everyone!
Hey, apparently sending >2 PM's in 30 seconds enacts the spam block
Karen - 36 DH - 39
LFAF Summer 2016 Awards:
LFAF Summer 2016 Awards:
How violent is "violently angry," exactly?
I mean, are we talking about yelling and flipping out, or punching things? Pushing or shoving? Hitting? Using weapons? Threats?
I'm not resting on any laurels because I'm getting out of a nutso situation myself, but please remember that the roles you both accept in your relationship are what you daughter will aspire to, whether consciously or subconsciously. It would be a shame if she accepted that all women should be treated this way in her adult relationships.
You're worried about losing your lo to someone with rage issues? If you seek appropriate help he shouldn't be able to get custody. Also aren't you worried about his rage becoming toward your lo?
I hope you can get the help you need >:D<
I have FOUR kids and ZERO family support. If I can do it, so can you.
ETA: I get the fear. Once you let go of the "what if's" and commit yourself to making it one day at a time, you'll be amazed at the doors that open up.
You have j13 family support
What can I say? @casey78 is the shiz.
As Finn is nursing less, I'm getting a better sense of what my bewbs will look like permanently.
ETA: %bumpemoji
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