I think I might be pregnant...my twins are 11 months old next week :S
I am freaking out - not sure I am ready for this! I know there are a few others on here who have done this, and some very recently!! Thoughts/comments/talk me off the ledge!!!!
Married my best friend, June 8, 2008
5/17/13 BFP!!! 6/6/13 - OMG its TWINS!
Josie and Lexie were born on January 4, 2014 at 37w2d
Josie was 5lbs2oz, Lexie was 4lbs15oz
Both had a 9 APGAR score with no NICU time
Planned unscheduled C-Section due to both being breech
We all went home on Jan 6th, 2 days after surgery
My popular blog posts:
Re: One more after twins
Our beautiful babies
, poop stage. I'm on leave right now and doing it on my own unless DH is off, I have to say it is way easier then when my girls where first born. I don't know if it's because I have experience now but I'm so much more relaxed this time. I was pretty freaked out when I first got pregnant as well, but now that she's here and seeing how sweet they are with her it's so worth it.
They give her kisses and even try to give her toys, it's funny because they won't share with each other but they will with her!
* just saw the replies, glad it worked out !