December 2014 Moms

How long after getting membranes sweeped before labor?

Hey Ladies, my doctor decided to do a sweep today, I was dilated 3 cm so far. Anyone get this done before in a previous pregnancy? If so what was your experience? How long before you went into labor/birth?

Re: How long after getting membranes sweeped before labor?

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  • A troll? If you didn't noticed I turned 39 weeks today, and my PREGNANCY IS HIGH RISK. I was due to get induced this Friday anyway this is what she decided to do not me. PLEASE Keep YOUR Bs Comment TO yourself. Smh
  • If it's going to work labor usually kicks in within 24-48 hours. It has a better chance of working the closer one is to full term, when the body would spontaneously go into labor.

    I had a sweep done at 39 weeks with #2. I was almost 4 cm and 70% effaced. I needed to be a solid 4 cm to be admitted. I was given the option to go home and wait or leave and go walking for a couple hours and come back to get checked. I decided on the walk and returned to see where I was. I was 5 cm, but since I wasn't in active labor I waited and walked the halls. I got to 6 cm and they admitted me and induced labor via AROM.

    Since we planned an induction with #4, had a time frame in mind, did a sweep at 38 weeks when I was 4 cm. A few days later I was 5 cm, and the following week we induced. 

    This time the plan is to do a stretch and sweep on Friday if I don't go into labor before then. I'm 5 cm/80% effaced. My midwife thinks it will do the job, but if not then I'll return on Sat for another.
    G 12.04 | E 11.06 | D 11.08  | H 12.09 | R 11.14 | Expecting #6 2.16.18.

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  • I Don't think I'm the one that needs To chill. I said on the previous discussion I turned 39 weeks today. I asked about other women's experiences! The Dr. Told me 1-3 days if it works at all.
  • I never did any self stimulation. I only asked out of curiosity. I lost my mucus plug and I've had stronger BH contractions the last couple of weeks.
  • I think that you need to work on your typing skills.  Not every word needs to be capitalized. Typically only the first word of a sentence needs to be capitalized along with proper nouns.  Maybe you should go back to self stimulation.  Keep both of your hands busy so you quit posting junk on here.   :D
    Married on October 20, 2012.  Began trying in January 2013.
    RE appointment & testing December 2013 - February 2014= Unexplained IF, possible endometriosis
    IUI#1- March 22 (100mg clomid, 75 mg of Bravelle, Ovidrel trigger) = BFP!!!

  • That's a shame, you can't just ask a question without someone attacking you. But thanks ladies...nevermind.
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  • Yes, I read it.
  • She said they would schedule to induce labor on friday if nothing happened with the sweep. They didn't want me to go over because of my heart condition.
  • She said they would schedule to induce labor on friday if nothing happened with the sweep. They didn't want me to go over because of my heart condition.

    You make my head hurt.
    D14 - Free For All
    In loving memory of Baby HP42 and all D14 Angel Babies

  • And no I don't take questions as an attack, I just didn't understand the point of being called a troll, I only asked about others experience.
  • Shut the front door!

    DD1 5/16/2006 8lbs 3oz 21" (2 days late, 36.5 hour labor)
    M/C 12/08/09 6w5d
    DS1 6/27/2013 7lbs 9oz 19.5" (1 day late, 17.5 hour labor)
    M/C 12/18/13 6w1d Twins
    BFP#5 4/6/13 EDD 12/16/2014

    BabyFruit Ticker image
  • If you are high risk, your doctor should have told you the odds and how sweeping your membranes will help/start labor.
    did it turn you on when they got swept? I read where someone orgasmed when getting theirs done.
    I want all the orgasms. Sweep me, bish!!!
    December '16 BMB

    Baby #1                                                            

    ~BFP 03/22/14 EDD 12/05/14~                       
    ~Baby Z born 11/28/14~
    Baby #2
    ~04/19/16 EDD 12/26/16~
    BabyFetus Ticker

  • edited November 2014
    I really hope she asked your permission before doing it. It doesn't sound like it from your post.

    Last pregnancy my OB offered at 38 weeks, I declined and she didn't bring it up again. At my 40 week appt, I was dilated 3cm and asked if she could do it. I went into labor about 30 hours later.

    BabyFruit Ticker

    Thing 1: 6/2012 Thing 2: Due 12/2014
  • And no I don't take questions as an attack, I just didn't understand the point of being called a troll, I only asked about others experience.

    Maybe it is because yesterday you said you would not be starting labor early and now have this thread asking how long it would take. Seems like a 180.

    But of course you had absolutely no say in the procedure you received today. ;)

  • Had it done 3 times during week 39 with my first, did nothing (water broke at home a couple days later).

    Had it done at 38w with DD2 and she was born 21hrs later.

    You never know. If your body isn't ready, it won't do anything but make you uncomfortable. I did it because I'm on blood thinners and would need to be induced, and stripping membranes is a much more gentle method of "induction". So in my case I felt it was worth a shot! This time I am GBS positive for the first time, so they won't do it. Bummer! :(
    BFP #1 - 2/1/09-mc 2/5/09 @4wks
    BFP #2 - 6/24/09-mc 7/25/09 @8wks
    6/09 Dx w/PCOS--Metformin & Progesterone
    8/09 Dx w/Compound Hetero MTHFR--Neevo, Metanx & BA
    BFP #3 - 1/11/10 - DD1 born 9/16/10 @39w4d, 8lbs 14oz & 20in.
    Heparin from BFP to 34wks.
    BFP #4 - 10/4/11 - DD2 born 6/2/12 @38w1d, 8lbs 11oz & 21in.
    Same med protocol as last time, but heparin continued until delivery.
    BFP #5 - 3/30/14, EDC 12/10/14!!

    Beta #1-76 (12dpo), Beta #2-238 (14dpo)
    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
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