February 2014 Moms

Let's talk...Christmas Movies!

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Re: Let's talk...Christmas Movies!

  • I love Love Actually - it was our first date! The same guy just did a movie called About Time, which DH and I also really liked.
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  • Nightmare before Christmas is a top favorite
    Home 1 & 2
    Jingle all the way
    Bad Santa
    oh and I loved The Santa Clause
    Christmas vacation too :)
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  • Pretty much any of them. Every few days I flip through the satellite guide and record anything 'holiday'. I only own the cartoon Grinch, though. Pretty sure that will change, though- my mom would tape the Christmas shows (on VHS!) and we would watch them. I want to be able to do that (except DVR is fine with me!) with DD.

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    Our Angel was born sleeping at 20 weeks due to IC.

  • I love Love Actually ( although I know there are some haters around here ;) ) And also Elf. And also The Santa Clause. 1 and 2 but not 3
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  • How the grinch stole Christmas
    The polar express
    The Santa clause
    Blue toes
    Muppets Christmas carol

    And basically any movie that comes on tv :)
  • How could I forget Charlie Brown? And also every Christmas special (cartoon or otherwise) that comes on tv :Dl
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  • Elf, Christmas Vacation, Love Actually, The Family Stone are all household favorites. Also? Rudolph. I will watch that every time it's on.

    You know what would not be on that list? Any NBC live musical. Amirite, @Bookshelves‌?

    @ChiaWombat‌ i know you didn't tag me, but you are correct. NBC live musicals are not okay.
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  • I love Elf and Home Alone, but I want all the Christmas movies to show to my older boy.  I can't wait for him to be excited about all of them!



  • Home Alone
    The Holiday
    The Santa Clause

    But I'll pretty much watch any of them, including the cheesy lifetime/hallmark ones.

    I prefer not to watch the Grinch, love actually, and a Christmas story.
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  • Mandatory Christmas movies:

    * Love Actually
    * Family Stone
    * Elf
    * Miracle on 34th St

    And every new Hallmark Christmas movie :)
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  • Christmas Vacation
    A Christmas Story
    Muppet Christmas Carol
    Emmett Otter's Jugband Christmas
    It's a Wonderful Life

    Pretty much every Christmas classic ever.

    Also, does anyone remember Prancer? I remember loving it as a kid, and I found it on DVD last year but never watched it. I'll have to pop it in this year to see how terrible it is.

    Oh, and has anyone seen The Night They Saved Christmas? That one's older, but pretty fun.

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