TTC After a Loss

AW: So frustrated!

I'm sorry, I just have to vent! I am just so frustrated. My husband and I work opposite shifts and I am supposed to O this week, most likely tomorrow or Friday. He has been getting home after I'm already gone for work and he is gone by the time I get home. The only way we would have the opportunity to HIO before I O is if I come home from work early tomorrow and we could DTD before my H goes to work. I asked him if I should try to get out of work early tomorrow and he said no because it is too much pressure on him to be able to perform in that short window of time. He said he wants to forget about this cycle and hope our schedule work out better next cyle. I'm so frustrated. When I tried talking to him about it, he just got super mad and was yelling about how it is too much pressure on him and how it makes him feel bad. I know it is hard on him and there is a lot of pressure to perform, but I can't believe he is willing to just forego this whole cycle and doesn't even want to try. I just got off the phone with him and I can't stop crying. I just had to get this off my chest. I was trying to stay hopeful that maybe I would be KU by the holidays but now that's pretty impossible. I think having that little string of hope was keeping me going because I know the holidays are going to be tough. Thanks for listening ladies. Here are some treats for getting this far. 

Married: 4/28/12
BFP: 7/2/14 ;  1st US 7/21/14 Baby measuring 7w5d, HB of 138;  Discovered MMC 8/18/14 at 11w2d, baby measuring 8w5d, no hb ; 8/19/14 D&C

TTCAL December siggy challenge - Autocorrect Fails


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Re: AW: So frustrated!

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    Aww hun... It's totally normal to be upset about this. *hugs*
    TTC is stressful at the best of times. FX that next cycle timing will be fantastic...or that your husband will surprise you and you'll be able to HIO anyway.
    We met in middle school. We got married 15 years later in a February blizzard of 2010. 
    TTC since February 2010
    Diagnosed with Lyme Disease June 2010 Diagnosed with PCOS March 2011 Diagnosed with Celiac Disease January 2013
    BFP #1: August 25th 2013 EDD May 4th 2014 SCH MC October 3rd 2013
    BFP #2: February 14th 2014 EDD October 25th 2014 CP February 17th 2014

    Naked push-up foreplay pioneer
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    Everything that @gscoville‌ said. It's so hard, I know. We have experienced this too and I tried so hard to remain positive because expressing how frustrated I was just led to more pressure. But I didn't always succeed.

    I understand about that glimmer of hope of being "knocked up by..." But as someone who has been trying for four+ years, I'm learning how not to fixate or pin everything on that anymore. I don't know your history and it's very possible you will get KU, but I kind of wish I addressed this issue with my H sooner. The pressure I put on him contributed to a real long term problem.

    Good luck.
    *I am no longer regularly posting on TB because of the fucked up debacle of Jan 2015 when administrators banned long-term members and mods with no notice and completely dismantled a community full of women who cared about each other.  If you see me posting it's only to give support to a poster who needs it or to post something important enough that I need to say.  I am no longer responding to  anything other than issues that affect people who I care about*
    37 years old, MH is 42
    TTC since 2010; Dx Unexplained Infertility; possible male factor 
    August 2012 through June 2013:  6 IUIs with clomid and trigger shot, all BFNs
    7/2013, Pregnant! Unmedicated--we were on a treatment break
    8/20/13 no heart beat; 8/23/13 d&c
    3/15/14 IVF #1:  Lupron/Follistim/Menopur; ER 3/10 resulting in four transfer grade blastocysts, transferred one pretty blast and froze the remaining three. BFN. 
    Natural FET in May cancelled because the universe hates me my hormones were not cooperating.
    6/24/14 FET #1: transferred two pretty embryos; BFN   
    8/28/14 FET #2: BFP, ended in Chemical pregnancy

    Done with medical intervention and getting used to the idea of CFNBC.  

    All welcome
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    (((Hugs))) doll!

    DH & I are both 28    Together: 12 years    Married: 09/24/2011

    BFP#1: January '12 - DD1 09/16/2012

    Preterm labor 31 weeks. Monitored for Hellp and diagnosed with oligohydramnios July '12

    BFP #2: 06/25 - EDD 03/05/15 MMC confirmed 8/1 - D&E 8/4 retained tissue discovered 8/20

    BFP #3 11/24 - 12/15 Heartbeat detected - DD2 07/29/15

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    I'm so sorry ((hugs)) I know how frustrating it is.
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    I will echo everything G just said, when we were TTCing (and still now) my H works swing shift & it was hard ! And honestly there were some cycles, timing just sucked. And he's probably feeling like a sperm donor.. 

    Giving yourself expectations to be KU by.. does't help either.
    THIS is so important and I think we often forget. :(

    Our DHs are under so much pressure. It's horrible.
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    Thanks everyone! You all make really good points and I definitely don't want my H to feel like a sperm donor. I guess I get so caught up in the craziness of TTC I forgot how much pressure it puts on him. When I think logically and not emotionally I realize that losing one cycle is not the end of the world and I truly don't expect to be KU by any certain date but somehow knowing it could be possible helped me mentally keep going if that makes sense. But our relationship is more important to me than anything and I definitely don't want to hurt that so I will take all of your advice to heart.
    Married: 4/28/12
    BFP: 7/2/14 ;  1st US 7/21/14 Baby measuring 7w5d, HB of 138;  Discovered MMC 8/18/14 at 11w2d, baby measuring 8w5d, no hb ; 8/19/14 D&C

    TTCAL December siggy challenge - Autocorrect Fails


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    I wonder if in an effort to help the ladies like us who are struggling with anxiety and performance issues we take a temping break collectively?
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    ctk181ctk181 member
    edited November 2014

    I wonder if in an effort to help the ladies like us who are struggling with anxiety and performance issues we take a temping break collectively?

    Funny you should say this because I was just considering just going the NTNP route for a couple months. As much as I like knowing that my body is doing what it is supposed to, knowing when my FW is is kind of making me crazy and is definitely hard on my H.

    ETA: typo
    Married: 4/28/12
    BFP: 7/2/14 ;  1st US 7/21/14 Baby measuring 7w5d, HB of 138;  Discovered MMC 8/18/14 at 11w2d, baby measuring 8w5d, no hb ; 8/19/14 D&C

    TTCAL December siggy challenge - Autocorrect Fails


    | <a href="" style="font-size:smaller;" >Ovulation Tracker</My Chart

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    ctk181 said:
    I wonder if in an effort to help the ladies like us who are struggling with anxiety and performance issues we take a temping break collectively?
    Funny you should say this because I was just considering just going the NTNP route for a couple months. As much as I like knowing that my body is doing what it is supposed to, knowing when my FW is is kind of making me crazy and is definitely hard on my H. ETA: typo

    I wont be temping this cycle for that very reason. I am using the CBFM so technically we're still "temping" or using OPKs I guess. I think I might put out a call to ladies who want to put down their BBTs for a few cycles and rally some ladies who want to take this break in a temporary check in.

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    I feel your pain, ctk181. Last night I said to DH (who has only been working normal hours instead of 80 hours/week): After you watch the news, I would like some undivided attention. He flipped out and thought I was demanding sex. I just wanted some eye contact/actual connection time!

    They really are under so much pressure. Especially when TTC is just one of many components of their lives that they view they are "giving to us". While we sit fretting, planning, researching, obsessing, they are trying to be supportive and trying to keep their own emotions about this thing in check too, while "providing for the family".

    I hope you guys figure out a time or just surprise him by saying "it's cool. maybe next month will work out better." A lot of times, when we back off, it gives them time to reflect and not be reacting under pressure from us, and *they* get to make a plan and feel ownership.
    *****Losses Mentioned*****BFP MENTIONED*****ALL WELCOME******ALL ABOARD!!

    Me: 42, DH: 46, Married: 11/12
    Losses: MMC#1 11/12 BO, MC#2 11/13 at 8w BO?, MMC#3 8/14 chromo healthy M @12 weeks, stopped growing at 10.
    Negligible AMH, FSH finally went high. Pursued DE.

    DD born at 38w2d on 5-27-16. Finally!!

    Pregnant again with OE. EDD 11/9/17 Girl!

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    I am sorry for your frustrations and it's completely understandable. I have to agree with what the other ladies are saying here and I am glad I popped in. I very seldom think that MH may feel like a sperm donor so this was a good thing for me to read. 

    I just recently started temping and I can totally see how it could impact things negatively for MH. It hasn't been hard as of yet because we are TTA at the moment. If we TTC again I will make sure I pay close attention to MH to see if it's putting more pressure on him. 

    Good luck! 
    I am not sure how to say this without getting a "solicitation" warning so I guess I just say that I am not longer active on THIS site. 

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    I'm sorry you're having a tough time. That sounds really frustrating <hugs>
    * Me: 31, DH: 33 * Married 10.16.10 * Parents of our furbaby Sophie *
    BFP: 8.28.14 | EDD 5.6.15 | MMC Discovered 9.25.14 (8 weeks)| D&C 9.30.14


    "Everybody here has got a story to tell. Everybody's been through their own hell. There's nothing too special about getting hurt, but getting over it that takes the work. Because one way or another, we all need each other. Nothing's going to turn out the way you thought it would. Friends and lovers, don't you duck and cover because everything comes out the way it should in the end." -Glen Phillips, "Duck and Cover" 

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    ((Hugs)) lady. I am so sorry you're dealing with this on top of the bad schedule, too. More ((hugs))!!!!
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    (((Hugs))) PPs have given great advice. It's so easy to forget the pressure this puts on the guys. We defintely struggled in the beginning of the year. To the point we couldn't have sex in our bed. We had to go in a guest room. One thing that helped us the most is I stopped telling him when it was fw. I also put in extra effort to be with him when I knew it wasn't fw. Taking the pressure off not only helped him but helped us reconnect.
    I know you're upset and that is so understandable. I hope you can talk to him though and acknowledge it's hard for him too. Another thing I've learned the hard way - acknowledging his struggle.

    PgAL welcome

    Married 6/11/2011

    Me & Hubby: 34

    TTC journey started 12/2012

    BFP #1 6/5/2013, MC confirmed 6/26/2013 @ 7 wks

    BFP#2 8/25/2013 MC confirmed 10/16/2013 @ 12 wks (D&C 10/18)

    Diagnosis: unexplained RPL, unexplained IF.

    Also have hypothyroidism

    Started TTC again 12/2013


    IUI#1:Clomid CD 3-7, Trigger'ed CD 12. IUI CD 14. BFN

    IUI #2:Letrozole CD 3 - 7, Follistim CD 9, Trigger CD 10, IUI CD12. BFN

    Current plan: IVF with PGD. Antagonist - Vivelle Protocal. Stim start 12/1. ER 12/14.

    image imageimage


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    Thanks again so much to all of you ladies! You are the best! After sleeping on it and reading all this great advice and support I am feeling a lot better and more logical about the whole situation. I know it is not the end of the world. I was just in a really emotional place last night. It's good to know I'm not alone. ((Hugs)) to all of you!
    Married: 4/28/12
    BFP: 7/2/14 ;  1st US 7/21/14 Baby measuring 7w5d, HB of 138;  Discovered MMC 8/18/14 at 11w2d, baby measuring 8w5d, no hb ; 8/19/14 D&C

    TTCAL December siggy challenge - Autocorrect Fails


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