November 2014 Moms

Lurker here..Question nausea, etc...Due November 19th

Anyone else experiencing nausea all of a sudden with loose out the other ends? Sorry for a little TMI. This is my 5th baby and never experienced this at the end before.  I am taking evening primrose as before 2 times a day. One by mouth and one the other way. Once in morning and once in the evening. Never had a problem with that either.  It just happened past couple days and trying to avoid the doctor as it is a bit of a drive.  Waking me and screwing with my sleep too.

Re: Lurker here..Question nausea, etc...Due November 19th

  • This is a yes for me. FTM mom, but the past few days I've felt off and always at bedtime I start feeling nauseated. Sometimes I wake up from being nauseated -- this is more from reflux I think though (which has been a sudden onset). My stools have been a bit more frequent and sometimes softer.

    They say diarrhea can be a sign of Upcoming labor, as your body tries to cleanse itself in preparation. I don't believe this is my case though.

    Just be aware and continue to pay attention to your body. If you're truly concerned, call your doctor.

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  • While I haven't had nausea, I've had wicked heartburn.  I've also been enjoying regularity and soft stools.  Last time, I was constipated the entire time until the day of, when I had a very... ahem... cleansing movement.  So this time every time I poop, I wonder if labor's on its way.  Nothing so far.  I guess it's true that every pregnancy is different...

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