July 2014 Moms

thrashing in his sleep

Lo has started thrashing in his sleep. He throws his head and arms. Then it wakes him up and he's pissed that he's not asleep. He is to big for a swaddle. He hates the Merlin sleep suit. Anyone else experience this? Suggestions?

Re: thrashing in his sleep

  • DD did this for a few days.  I let her be for a few minutes.  Most times she's able to get back to sleep.  She's learned now to sleep through it or just quickly go back to sleep.
  • My LO does this at least once every night.  He's done it for several weeks, and he has gotten to where he gets himself to sleep after (or sleeps through it).  I think it's worse on me than him--I'll hear this THUNK of him slapping the mattress with either his arms or feet, so it wakes me up and I listen to him rustle around for a little bit before he settles and goes back to a deeper sleep.

    He's just in PJs or a sleep sack, so no Merlin suits here.  He hasn't been swaddled since he was about 3 weeks old.  It's probably just another thing for your LO to get used to.

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  • edited October 2014
    Jeez, LO had been doing the "THUNK" thing with his legs as part of his dreaded 4 mo sleep regression.  He would thrash and thunk, and then started turning onto his side, kicking his legs against the crib rails, which would then make him cry.  I would pick him up, pat and sway, then put him back down on his back.

    This would go on every 15 minutes ALL NIGHT LONG, ugh....the problem has not resolved since I finally just put him back into the RNP to get some sleep (which I did, he slept GREAT back in there....which I don't know is a good thing).  

    I'm hoping to see the solution here, since I know I can't keep him strapped into the RNP forever...

    5 years TTC, no luck with IUI's, failed IVF June 2013, 
    FET Oct 2013 with delayed transfer, intralipids, lovenox & prednisone= first BFP of my life!
    ***Beautiful baby boy born June 13th!*** 
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  • Thanks for the feedback ladies! My brain is dead from lack of sleep...hopefully something works
  • Soon2BMrsNSoon2BMrsN member
    edited October 2014

    Can you do a 1 arm or arms out swaddle? Sounds like he hasnt out grown the startle reflex yet. Halo makes pretty big swaddle sacks. I used them arms out all the way up to 6 months.

    I just bought one of these Halo swaddle sacks today. DD rolled over for the first time yesterday (yay!) but she was also sttn swaddled (ugh!) I'm hoping it works; going to try one arm out tonight.

    eta: I don't really mean ugh about the sttn; I just wasn't ready to have her roll. Haha!
  • Can you do a 1 arm or arms out swaddle? Sounds like he hasnt out grown the startle reflex yet. Halo makes pretty big swaddle sacks. I used them arms out all the way up to 6 months.

    He already fully fills out 6 month clothing. He'll probably outgrow 6 month clothing in about a week(He is huge long and a chunky) do you think it would still work?
  • Can you do a 1 arm or arms out swaddle? Sounds like he hasnt out grown the startle reflex yet. Halo makes pretty big swaddle sacks. I used them arms out all the way up to 6 months.
    He already fully fills out 6 month clothing. He'll probably outgrow 6 month clothing in about a week(He is huge long and a chunky) do you think it would still work?
    My LO just moved to 9mo clothes and he still has plenty of room in his halo swaddle with arms unswaddled  :)

    5 years TTC, no luck with IUI's, failed IVF June 2013, 
    FET Oct 2013 with delayed transfer, intralipids, lovenox & prednisone= first BFP of my life!
    ***Beautiful baby boy born June 13th!*** 
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

  • Can you do a 1 arm or arms out swaddle? Sounds like he hasnt out grown the startle reflex yet. Halo makes pretty big swaddle sacks. I used them arms out all the way up to 6 months.

    He already fully fills out 6 month clothing. He'll probably outgrow 6 month clothing in about a week(He is huge long and a chunky) do you think it would still work?
    DD is 99th percentile for length and the halo still has tons of room at the bottom. I bet we'll be able to use it for 3-4 more months.
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