April 2014 Moms

Is there a man out there that understands?

Dh has been wanting to go out downtown and drink and have fun, so I gave in tonight. Had a good time. When we get home he shuts off all the lights like we are going to bed. Um noooooo now I have to pump. Will there ever be a day that dh understands the sacrifices we take for our LO? Not only do I have to pump for the next half hour when all I wanna do is pass out..... Then I have to dump it, when my supply is already low and LO is at grandmas sucking down my freezer stash! He don't get it. Don't think he will ever understand.

Re: Is there a man out there that understands?

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    kelbel2440kelbel2440 member
    edited October 2014
    Ps.... This may be a slightly drunk rant. 8-}
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    I'm with you. While, yes, it was your decision to drink, I don't think a lot of people really get the struggle/hassle of it all. What's helped me is learning to let go. Let go of the possibility I might not pump enough milk while LO is away but I'm going to enjoy the time with my DH.
    ~ Leah, Rachel and Gabriel were born on May 27, 2013 (23 weeks) ~ Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers Lilypie First Birthday tickers
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    I get it.... I had to pump in a car before a concert last night; not fun but I tried to not let it ruin My time.
    Be thankful you are able to drop your lo off for a night!
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    edited October 2014
    I don't think they will ever truly get it, I'm slowly realizing that's part of being a Mom, doing it all. My SO is super helpful but obviously doesn't get the extent of what I accomplish all day while watching the baby, when he has the baby all he's doing is watching him.
    And good for you that you went out and had a good time and (gasp) had a few drinks then pumped like a normal, responsible Mom, our kids are 6 months not 6 weeks.
    ETA- SO is always telling me how thankful and appreciative he is but I think in the near future I'm going to leave him with LO for a few hours with a short to do list so he can feel the extend of his appreciation. I'm sure sober and in hindsight yours may realize as well ;)
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    Nope, he will never understand. Pumping, scalding milk (lipase issue) and washing bottles/pump parts are so miserable, and he doesn't even understand how time consuming they are. Even after 2 kids.

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    My DH doesn't get it either. He always wants me to have drinks with him and pouts when I don't. He thinks I am just a buzkill and overly cautious.
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    The day I came home from an outing and he tells me "there is something wrong with your frozen milk bags, they all have holes in them" he had been putting the bags in boiling water and, surprise surprise, they sprung leaks. He went through 5 6ounce bags this way like it was no big deal. I almost killed him that day.
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    I understand. DH wants me to not even try BF or EP for this next LO because it was such a hassle last time.

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    You could wait till you'd metabolized your alcohol and then pump and not dump. Also pumping before going out to start empty.

    I have to ask DH to wash my pump stuff. He'll wash everything but! I asked him why once and he said he was afraid to do it wrong. Lol.
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    @hordol I get that, but it all stemmed from something that was a choice... I could explain further, but I won't. I'm usually silently judgy on here, but I'm going to blame my boldness on sleep deprivation. I'll be better about keeping my opinions to myself next time. Bye! :-h
    February Siggy Challenge: Favorite TV couple ~ Jim & Pam <3

     Edolie Mae ~ April 21, 2014 <3
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    Haha no @edoliesmom‌ you don't need to keep your opinions to yourself! I just thought maybe you interpreted her dilemma as that her DH didn't understand how hard it was for her to pump milk and then dump it, when really I *think* that was more of a symptom of an overall issue but idk, she hasn't really clarified.
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    Maybe he forgot you had to pump? Because it was late and he had a few drinks? Did you want him to hang out with you while you pumped?
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    Thanks for all the responses ladies. Yes, my gripe was not at all with the fact I had to pump and dump. I realize that's a choice I made, and I fully wanted to make that choice to go out and have a few drinks and let loose as it's been 6 months and we have had one successful overnight with grandma and that was 4 months ago. And yes, I did everything I could in order to preserve as much milk as possible. Pumped before going out, just pumped to relieve the pain before bed, etc. the gripe was about dh, and he is fully aware of the necessity to pump. He just makes no acknowledgement of all the work that goes into a "simple night out". That is what I was so frustrated with. Because he acts like our lives haven't changed from when we were childless and we can just go about everything as we used to.
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    I appreciate everyone's points of view.... And I don't try to let him off the hook. It's more of an ongoing issue of me trying to make him understand all that I do .... working a full time day job, and then coming home and doing all the things necesary for baby and him and the house, etc. it generally was just a rant and it's nice to hear others have the same experiences with their dh as well.
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    is the D in DH for Dick? sometimes i think it is... they willl never get it

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    I understand you were buzzed when you wrote this and that yes it is frustrating at times that men can just walk in, shut off the lights and go straight to bed. Last week DH and I went out and I pumped in bed with the lights on when we got home so he did not have that luxury. I make sure he is fully aware of how much work goes into BFing.


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    I'm sure I am going to get blasted for this, but I think you just need to get over it. I don't think fathers will ever understand how hard it is to be a mother but constant bitching about it won't change anything. I think letting things go also may be healthy for your relationship as you are always posting how unhappy both you and your husband are.
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    @dani+california‌ sorry I don't post often enough for you to know who I am but I do read a lot of the posts on here. She has posted several times about she and her husband fighting. She also posted a few weeks ago about how her husband made the decision to stop saying "I love you" and that she was going to have a conversation about if they even wanted to stay married.
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    @LalaMama81‌ I have a wonderfully supportive husband and no my expectations are not low. Also her husband wanted to go out yes but no one said she had to drink. She made her choice to do so. What is her husband supposed to do hold the pump for her. Get over yourself.
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    No I never said men suck. I said they don't understand what it is like to be a mother. And yes I do think she and a lot people on this board need to let things that their husbands and significant others go sometimes. People make mistakes and do things without thinking. Not everything is done with malice.
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    I don't think men actually think of all the things involved with looking after your children and house. My partner helps around the house, he's fantastic with lo but he just ''misses' things out, eg- not ever thinking about Laundry, sterilising bottles, food shop etc. it's so annoying.
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    Some husbands are more understanding than others?  Mine tries his best, bless his heart!  However, no one will understand the sacrifices a mother makes besides another mother.  We all know how hard it is and how much of our lives revolve around our families.  I would love to hear the experience of a family with a SAHD though!
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    See ya. :-h

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    @lia619‌ I am laughing hard at that. I have tears running down my face.
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    I didn't get the impression "so many" people were judging you. I think the only person I judged on this thread is the dad who forgets his kids need to eat.

    Yea seriously, can we revisit this one? There may be things to "just let go" but nothing in that post applies. You don't forget to feed your kids because men are just not women.

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    @Bluebird2318 Yeah, I get that that's not what the whole post was about as it was already pointed out to me. Am I not allowed to comment on a specific thing within the big picture? I was saying it was hard for me to have sympathy to the entire situation because of the choice that she made, so it was relevant to my opinion on the whole matter. Whether or not she drank, she would've most likely had to go home and pump in order to keep up her supply. So the issue of wanting to go home and go straight to bed but not being able to and being irritated with her husband for not realizing that she had to do pump I can sympathize with. But knowing that she has a low supply, and then saying that her baby is with grandparents sucking down her freezer stash and then having to dump milk instead of being able to replace what her baby was using up and then complaining about it (or, that's how I interpreted it initially but have since been corrected) is what I was judging.

    I really didn't want to explain myself because I knew that it would just put me deeper into the hole I've dug for myself, but I felt I needed to defend myself. I personally would feel a lot of guilt if it was me in the situation, so it's hard to not feel judgment for something that I feel strongly about or would have a strong emotion toward. Am I justified in the way I feel? Maybe not. I'm not perfect. Like I said previously, I'm usually silently judgy and will continue to be in the future, especially so that I don't get myself into a mess when I misinterpret things like in this situation.

    I'm glad the OP got 10x more sympathy and support than negative reactions and truly hope she's not GBCBing.
    February Siggy Challenge: Favorite TV couple ~ Jim & Pam <3

     Edolie Mae ~ April 21, 2014 <3
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