Formula Feeding

Eating issue.. Help!

Hi all- LO will be 8 weeks in a few days. He is EFF and recently began having an eating issue. He has always had a great latch but a week ago started not lathching well. At first he does great and eats well, then I burp him and he won't start eating again or latch onto bottle. He just screams and fusses. He has done this before bc he was angry I took the bottle away but would start eating again as soon as he got the bottle back. Any advice?? Help!!

Re: Eating issue.. Help!

  • What if you let him eat without interruption? I know many people stop in the middle of the feeding and burp etc, I never really did that... I mean she got a break when I switched boobs and then to pick up the bottle to give her the supplement, but I didn't burp during those times, just wanted to let her eat asap bc I knew she was hungry. We burped at the end. And when I was just doing all bottle, I let her eat till she was done and THEN burped.
  • Thank you both for the input. I've tried all of the above! Pediatrician decided to start Zantac today to see if it helps at all. He also began coughing after I could hear some reflux so hoping this helps!
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  • Our LO did something similar when he was about 5 or 6 weeks old and again when he was about 4.5 months old.  Both times we moved up to the next sized nipple after trying a bunch of different things like taking more breaks to burp.  His eating improved greatly after doing this.  We also stopped taking breaks to burp like the PP mentioned and that also helped.  I don't have any experience with reflux, so I'm guessing that if that's the problem, the bigger nipple wouldn't help!
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