Or is it echo or both?
I took away a toy as a punishment. He immediately chimed in, "Great idea. I like it when you take my toys away." He followed up later, too: "I'm glad you took my toy away, Mom. That was a good choice."
Not sure what to make of this one.
Re: HFA Kiddo Using Reverse Psychology?
"Did you do that?"
"No, Buzz did."
Lie ... but most likely he was pretending to be Buzz/acting as Buzz, so truth.
There was a notable instance where he offered to hold his father's ice cream with clear intent to steal some. I took that as a positive sign.
We're still waiting for him to jump off the furniture.
He's ruining discipline.
Exhausting child is exhausting. Spouse also pointed out that he's been micromanaging us a lot, telling us how much cereal we can have, when we can start the car, etc. I agree with anxiety, but there's no corresponding adherence to rules at home. Non-compliance and loud vocals when asked to do something are the norm.
This week is wonky due to visitors and travel. He was up twice last night demanding to know the plan and to inform me that rescheduling makeup classes for those he'll miss is unacceptable, that we only do certain activities on certain days.
I hope that he'll rebound once we get back into our routine, but acknowledge 1) this is throwing his universe way more out of whack than it ought which means he needs to be pushed more and 2) we're cruising toward a breakdown at this pace. He had one last spring when the baby arrived and it was hell.
Love this story! LOL!!