December 2014 Moms

Being admitted, positive thoughts please. *UPDATED* *UPDATE PART DOS*

ginger514ginger514 member
edited October 2014 in December 2014 Moms
Hi ladies. I had a routine appointment yesterday, and had a cervical check due to some vaginal pain. I was closed and had no other issues. I later had some bleeding and more pain so I was advised to come into triage this morning. Now I'm dilated 1cm and am a day shy of 32 weeks. Because my first came at 34 weeks and to be safe, I've been admitted overnight and will receive two steroid shots to protect little man if he should make an early arrival. He looks great at 3lbs 12oz via ultrasound, so it's just getting me under control. I'm scared and trying to relax, so if you have any positive thoughts to spare I'd appreciate it :)

UPDATE: First of, thank you all for the awesome words and thoughts.  It's especially encouraging to hear that this isn't totally out of the ordinary.

A doctor in my practice talked to me last night, and she didn't seem to think that anything serious is happening, but was upfront that there are a whole lot of maybes and no definite answers, which I can live with.  She thinks we can get me to 36 maybe 38 weeks as long as my body cooperates, and it will be kind of a day to day thing from here.  She was super nice and answered all questions and was patient with me freaking out, so that made me feel great.

I had a little bit of sleep (it's fracking hard to sleep with the monitors on), and the MFM came in this morning to talk to me.  I have had no contractions, no additional bleeding, and no fluid loss, so everything points to me being discharged later today as long as my cervix hasn't dilated more.  She said I would likely be labeled with incompetent cervix rather than preterm labor, and that my cervix is still thick so that is encouraging.  The final word will come later today.  I get the second steroid shot around 2:30 (24 hours after the first), and they will check me after that.  It sounds like the head of MFM will make the final decision as to what we do from here. I feel like I'm in good hands and will do whatever needed to keep this nugget cooking longer.  Thanks again for all of the positive thoughts, and I'll update again later today.

*UPDATE 2*  I got to go home!  There has been no further progression and the baby looks perfect via monitor and ultrasound.  I've been ordered to work from home for the next two weeks (oh damn :)) and to take it easy.  The goal is to get to 38 weeks (which is Thanksgiving and my son's birthday), and they are optimistic I'll get to at least 36 so positive vibes all around. THANK YOU ALL for the positive thoughts, I think little man heard you!!

Our #2 is on the way!

BFP #1 - 08.2008, EDD 3.19.09 - Missed MC at 9 weeks - 09.2008
BFP #2 - 4.22.11, EDD 1.4.12 - DS #1 - 11.27.2011
BFP #3 - 10.27.13, EDD 6.29.14 - Chemical pregnancy - 11.02.2013
BFP #4 - 4.7.14 - EDD 12.11.14 stick baby stick!!
6.10.14 - It's another healthy boy!!

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Re: Being admitted, positive thoughts please. *UPDATED* *UPDATE PART DOS*

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