March 2015 Moms

15 weeks with round ligament pain??

I'm 15 weeks and have been having some serious pain down there. It seems to be round ligament, but from what I understand, women don't start to experience this unt about week 30. Anyone else experiencing this discomfort yet?

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Re: 15 weeks with round ligament pain??

  • Psh. I've been feeling pangs of pain down there for weeks. Always quick... always an ouch... and then life moves on.
    Pregnancy Ticker

    Me: 28 | SO: 28
    BFP: July 22, 2014 | EDD: March 28, 2015
    For Suzy and all M15 Loss Moms
  • It sucks & yes you can feel it that early! With my first I thought I was early around 6 months but with this one I felt it around 14-16 weeks & I get if really bad. I had friends say they never had it, not fair:(
  • I'm 15 weeks too, and have also been getting it a little more frequently lately!
  • I've had it a lot lately, but started feeling it in first tri


    Married the love of my life: 5-17-14



    Step Mom to Z: 4-11-06

    IT'S A BOY!!!!!!

  • Very first pregnancy symptom I had (along with super sore boobs) ... if it worries you talk to your doctor about it but my doctor said it was super common especially in first time moms
    Pregnancy Ticker

  • I started feeling it right at 15 weeks! It was so sudden and painful I thought something was wrong until I googled it!
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