I'm trying to get answers as to what to expect after the baby is born and has been diagnosed with a small vsd. The cardiologist says it's minor and regular birth. I go to high risk doctor on Monday. Have voiced to my ob that if they take the baby to another hospital I was going with her. I was wondering if any of you ladies had any experience with what I should expect after she comes. Like are they taking her away, did you stay longer? In my mind I think we are going home in 24 hours. Is that an irrational thought. Plus I also need to prepare for someone watching my other children. The cardiologist made it sound like it was no big deal and come bak around 6 months old. Hoping maybe someone can tell me a little about their own experience with this.


Re: Got a question about what to expect after baby is born with VSD.
If you are wondering, I'd ask at the next appt or call. I hope everything turns out wonderfully!