Baby Names

Isla Mirabel

edited October 2014 in Baby Names
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Re: Isla Mirabel

  • Isla is my top choice for a girl's name, should I ever get a chance to use it. Obviously, I love it. :-) Mirabel is NMS, but there is nothing wrong with it. Overall, I say it is a nice name.

    *************Siggy Warning. Loss mentioned.************

    Me: 36, DH:37

    Married 4/2010, TTC since 7/2011

    Dx: Officially Unexplained (I have Polycystic Ovaries diagnosed via ultrasound, but few classic PCOS symptoms, he has mild MF issues. So... not issue free, but nothing so severe as to explain IF)

    I also deal with post-surgical Hypothyroidism following Thyroid Cancer in 2009, but under control with Levothyroxine

    4 months Clomid (thinned lining) and 10 months Letrozole (every indication that I responded perfectly)

    6 failed IUIs in 2013, 3 with trigger

    IVF #1 in March 2014

    ER 3/21/14, 31R/21F, 12 frosties!

    ET 3/26/14, 1 perfect blast transferred: BFN

    FET#1 5/28/14, 2 "beautiful" early blasts transferred. BFP!!

    Beta #1 (6/11/14) 798; Beta #2 (6/18/14) 7,966.

    1st u/s (6/25/14) showed 2 sacs, 1 empty & 1 with a beautiful little bean doing what it needs to do!

    EDD 2/14/15, missed miscarriage, DX: Trisomy 21. D&C 8/1/14

    FET#2 Transferred 3 embies, 2 looking pretty good, one not so much. BFN.

    IVF#2 January 2015, tentative ER 1/23

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  • Isla Mirabel is beautiful.  No to Eisley. 
  • Isla Mirabel is very pretty. Eisley makes me thing of Mos Eisley Cantina.
    Daisypath Vacation tickersBabyFetus Ticker
    Married 19 October 2013
    TTC since June 2014
    BFP: 3 July 2014
    EDD: Pi Day 2015
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  • I like it.
    Elsa is similar? Or Ida.
  • Isla Mirabel and August Patrick are awesome.

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Pregnancy Ticker}



  • Isla Mirabel is very pretty, but I absolutely LOVE Isla June! I have an Isla at home so I am partial. Please say no to Eisley!

    August Patrick is very handsome name.
  • I love your boy name. I'm really over Isla, but it's overall a nice name.

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
    BFP: 09/13/13  ---  MMC: 10/25/13
    BFP: 12/25/13  ---  DD: 09/10/14
    BFP: 03/16/15  ---  EDD: 11/30/15

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  • I love Isla Mirabel and Isla June. I also love, love August! You can't go wrong. I would probably choose June over Mirabel.


    TTC #1: February 1, 2014
    BFP #1: 2/21/14 EDD: 10/31/14 MMC: discovered 3/31/14 (blighted ovum) D&C: 4/3/14 at 9w6d

    BFP #2:12/18/14 EDD: 8/27/14 Beta #1 (16 DPO): 50 Beta #2 (18 DPO): 54 CP: 12/25/14 at 5w0d

     Names | Blog | Chart

    Formally LisaG09

    "Everybody wants to be happy. Nobody wants to feel pain but you can't have a rainbow without the rain."

  • Isla June is lovely -- and I love the family meaning! :-)

    *************Siggy Warning. Loss mentioned.************

    Me: 36, DH:37

    Married 4/2010, TTC since 7/2011

    Dx: Officially Unexplained (I have Polycystic Ovaries diagnosed via ultrasound, but few classic PCOS symptoms, he has mild MF issues. So... not issue free, but nothing so severe as to explain IF)

    I also deal with post-surgical Hypothyroidism following Thyroid Cancer in 2009, but under control with Levothyroxine

    4 months Clomid (thinned lining) and 10 months Letrozole (every indication that I responded perfectly)

    6 failed IUIs in 2013, 3 with trigger

    IVF #1 in March 2014

    ER 3/21/14, 31R/21F, 12 frosties!

    ET 3/26/14, 1 perfect blast transferred: BFN

    FET#1 5/28/14, 2 "beautiful" early blasts transferred. BFP!!

    Beta #1 (6/11/14) 798; Beta #2 (6/18/14) 7,966.

    1st u/s (6/25/14) showed 2 sacs, 1 empty & 1 with a beautiful little bean doing what it needs to do!

    EDD 2/14/15, missed miscarriage, DX: Trisomy 21. D&C 8/1/14

    FET#2 Transferred 3 embies, 2 looking pretty good, one not so much. BFN.

    IVF#2 January 2015, tentative ER 1/23

  • I love Isla June!!
  • I liked Isla a lot, but I didn't care for the popularity. Iris was the name we chose instead. It had a similar sound without the popularity.
    Lilypie Third Birthday tickers
    Lilypie Second Birthday tickers
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  • Beautiful!
  • 911Diva said:

    On another site people are saying it's to hard to pronounce. And that my kid will be saying and spelling their name to everyone their whole life. 

    Are they just stupid or is that a valid concern I fell like Isla is popular enough and old enough that people would know how to say it not to mention the actress Isla Fisher. 
    It is not a valid concern, in my opinion. Some people feel anything more complicated than Amy will be too much for the unwashed masses to handle. Can you imagine how dull the world would be, forgoing legitimate, beautiful names because someone might have to learn something new?

    Is everyone going to be familiar with it? No. But it really isn't that hard to get.

    *************Siggy Warning. Loss mentioned.************

    Me: 36, DH:37

    Married 4/2010, TTC since 7/2011

    Dx: Officially Unexplained (I have Polycystic Ovaries diagnosed via ultrasound, but few classic PCOS symptoms, he has mild MF issues. So... not issue free, but nothing so severe as to explain IF)

    I also deal with post-surgical Hypothyroidism following Thyroid Cancer in 2009, but under control with Levothyroxine

    4 months Clomid (thinned lining) and 10 months Letrozole (every indication that I responded perfectly)

    6 failed IUIs in 2013, 3 with trigger

    IVF #1 in March 2014

    ER 3/21/14, 31R/21F, 12 frosties!

    ET 3/26/14, 1 perfect blast transferred: BFN

    FET#1 5/28/14, 2 "beautiful" early blasts transferred. BFP!!

    Beta #1 (6/11/14) 798; Beta #2 (6/18/14) 7,966.

    1st u/s (6/25/14) showed 2 sacs, 1 empty & 1 with a beautiful little bean doing what it needs to do!

    EDD 2/14/15, missed miscarriage, DX: Trisomy 21. D&C 8/1/14

    FET#2 Transferred 3 embies, 2 looking pretty good, one not so much. BFN.

    IVF#2 January 2015, tentative ER 1/23

  • I think by the time she's in school there will be enough Islas around that pronunciation won't be a huge issue.
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  • I don't love Mirabel. It sounds like a prescription drug to me. Isla is much better than the mess your DH is suggesting.
    P - 9/2008
    A - 8/2010
    L - 1/2013
    S - 3/2015
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