July 2013 Moms

Good Thoughts for my Friend (semi-long; x-posted on BMBs) *UPDATED IN COMMENTS*

T&P's just sounds too cheesy.

Some of you may know that I have a friend whose little girl was born with gastrochisis (like gutsymama's Luke).  She had an extremely severe case, and they weren't very confident that she would live, or even eat during her lifetime if she did (at 24 weeks, after they discovered the severity, the doctor recommended termination).  Well, her daughter has beaten the odds and is surviving.  Her and her mother are both warriors.  Baby D is still vomiting or poopsplosioning two to three times a night because she just doesn't digest or retain food well.  I'm not sure how her mother does it; she is truly an amazing person, and still tries to see the best in everything.... all while wrangling FOUR other children and a new business.

Baby D is still receiving the majority of her nutrients through TPN, and routinely goes for additional special intraveinous nutrients at the hospital to keep her vitamins and minerals up.  She's also been in multiple times for infections, and once for sepsis.  Her poor little immune system.

Tomorrow, she will be in surgery (again) for the STEP procedure.  They're basically going to disconnect her digestive system (again), and "sew" her bowel in a zig-zag in order to bring down the circumference and increase the length to give her better absorption from the food she takes in.  Then she'll have to stay in hospital for a few months while her digestive system heals, and will have to have another surgery to reconnect everything after the fact.

I am in tears.  They're such amazing people.  Baby D is only 18 months old, and has to be in surgery again, twice.  I couldn't imagine having to take my baby in for this kind of surgery... and then to have to deny her food for such a long period of time while her body heals.  I am truly heartbroken for them, but hope that the longterm gain is worth the pain of these surgeries.

If you can spare some good thoughts, or some strong prayers if you're the praying type, it would be much appreciated.  I can't express how much Baby D and her mom mean to me, even though we live far away from each other these days.  Surgery is scheduled for first thing tomorrow morning. 

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