Working Moms

What would your ideal work/life balance look like? - IGNORE - first poll FAIL

edited September 2014 in Working Moms
hit enter too soon - never mind!

What would your ideal work/life balance look like? 25 votes

Maintain status quo - I work full time and love it
24% 6 votes
Maintain status quo - I work part time and love it
4% 1 vote
I work full time now but would love to work part time
72% 18 votes

Re: What would your ideal work/life balance look like? - IGNORE - first poll FAIL

  • mlee116mlee116 member
    edited September 2014
  • I love to work--I feel like I am contributing to the family, have my own identity (outside of being a mom and wife) and like that I don't feel guilty to have the need to ask if I want to spend $100 on a new pair of boots and such. 

    However, I do wish that I could find a way to work 3/4 time or part time and somehow make about the same amount of money that I do now. My son truly loves daycare, so it would be a good balance for both of us. 
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  • I always think this is an interesting topic because I'm part-time and slowly working back up to full-time.  I started working 3 days per week when I had DS and while it was great from a family balance side there was no way I could maintain the 40% pay cut.
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  • I got a new job! Yay! And the hours are great 830-430 so I am happy with this day and my commute isn't long. Id love to work 4 days but it isn't realistic with my job.
  • I would love to work part-time and I may eventually do that part of the year. Take every Friday off during certain months when we are super slow just to get away. I think if I had a different job I might feel differently and be okay working full time. I am self-employed as a result of my dad passing four years ago and working with my younger brother can be extremely challenging some days. So, a lot of the work stress comes home with me in a mental capacity.
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  • I'm a lawyer doing mergers and acquisitions so working 3 or 4 days a week wouldn't actually work. But I want to eventually get to a point where I can negotiate a lower billable target and take on less files so that I'd still get to do the exciting transactional work but would have weeks where I may not even need to work at all.
  • Sorry i messed up the poll - i just redid it since there were some cool responses in the comments :)
  • I work 35 hours a week with a half day on Wednesday and out at 4 on Friday. I also have a 1 mile commute, so that makes a major difference. Overall, I am pretty satisfied with my schedule, but I would love to work 4 days if it was ever an option.
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