July 2013 Moms

Sunday brunch featuring SPAM

330 on west coast and no spam....what?! <:-P so, everyone is out partying or sleeping except me apparently lol



Re: Sunday brunch featuring SPAM

  • @econmama‌ Sounds like a great morning. How's the elbow scratching?
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  • @robynloureed‌ Brunch sounds awesome! Did you sleep alright last night post-broken screen and Xanax?
  • DD is awake and it is 430. Why kid??? You are normally a good sleeper. Is it because your hand hurts since an ogre stepped on it?
  • G spent the night having night terrors. Would scream for 20 mins after each one. Seemed to have one every hour or so. I-) He is now happily cruising around the hotel room with a breadstick. Thankfully the breakfast area opens in 15.


  • After 4 wake ups, DD is sleeping, but DS is up watching Jake in my bed. I have to get my butt in gear. We are leaving in 2 1/2 hours to meet friends for lunch and then go apple picking. I still have to pack the diaper bag, feed the kids breakfast, shower, and get everyone dressed.
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  • Stacey099 said:

    G found a corner to poop in.
    Awkward :-S

    V loves to go off by himself to have a poo. Then he crawls really fast to me and says "Hi! Poo." And points to his diaper. It's funny!

    :O) :))
    First smiley is wrong but I'm leaving it


  • @Stina2012‌ have you tried Bassett or Arhaus? Love the stuff at both of those stores. A lot of our new stuff is Bassett.


  • C woke up like 4 times last night, cried for about 30 seconds, then went back to sleep on his own. Weird, but still great, I thought.

    This morning when he gets up he had the biggest, nastiest poopy diaper ever.
    Either his tummy was bothering him, or he was in a gross poopy diaper all night, and that was bothering him. :(
    Married 6/18/11
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  • Hugs to all you ladies having a rough morning.

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  • @Stina2012‌ have you tried Bassett or Arhaus? Love the stuff at both of those stores. A lot of our new stuff is Bassett.

    DH loves Arhaus. But I think it's more expensive than PB!

    We are going to Havertys today. I think we will get our table at Crate and Barrel. They have an entry level, plain table that should work.
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  • Also had a bad night's sleep here. LO was up early on from dog bark (which she normally sleeps through). I was just falling asleep that time so it took awhile and just as I was falling asleep again, she let out a wail. She ended up settling herself back to sleep, but I was wide awake. Not realizing how hot it was going to be yesterday, we hadn't turned air back on and our room was so stuffy and hot. Finally fell asleep around 3. DS came in asking for an escort to the potty at 450, DH got up at 5, DD climbed in bed on my feet sometime after. I also had to let dogs out multiple times. I am not as exhausted as I would expect - so I may be in trouble in an hour or so. Everyone slept an hour later than normal so I'll take that as a win. And LO slept better in the early morning hours so that's a win. Now if I could sleep when they are all sleeping.

    Hope the day gets better for all!






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  • @haddocky Can you share your soup recipe?
  • dliz87 said:

    @haddocky Can you share your soup recipe?

    https://thepioneerwoman.com/cooking/2013/01/perfect-potato-soup/ I'm following this one this time :)
  • @Rmnam1‌ that's it exactly. I feel guilty asking for time, and he has no problem just taking it. It's absolutely partly on me for not asking, but sometimes it's just a duh moment. Like when I'm trying to make dinner with Giles hanging off my leg - do I really need to ask you to put down your phone and help? I guess I do, but JFC.

    Part of it is also Giles's separation anxiety - if DH takes him into the other room while I'm in the kitchen he stands at the gate and screams, and what am I supposed to do? Not let him in? Maybe we've both just given up.

    I've felt that way too. Saying something to DH absolutely helped. A lot of times he thinks he is helping, but his priority list is different than mine.
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  • I'm roasting a chicken with stuffing today. It's pretend early thanksgiving. I just can't wait three weeks. :)

    Me too!! Lol, must be something in the island air today!

    Hugs to everyone having rough nights.....Allison finally had her first good night in weeks!! Unfortunately our asshole neighbours were outside partying all night.... Go in your house FFS!!!!

    Dh has gone out to work at his shop today, ds is still at a sleepover and dd is currently practicing zombie makeup on me for Halloween!! Lo is just walking around trying to get into everything....I love Sundays when we don't have to leave the house!!

    Karen - 36      DH - 39

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