This Saturday spam title was brought to you in honor of someone on the board
Today is my normal Saturday sitting in the office for 12 hours. Last night if it wasn't the baby,the dog or the storm or a combo of the three keeping me up. I feel like I got 0 sleep. I actually probably got 3 or 4 hours but SO not enough. I will be drinking all the coffee today.
Yesterday's birthday festivities went over well at our house. Little man was happy with the lasagna I made. He was very pleased with his presents. All in all it was a great night.
I left a list of chores for the family to do on the board when I came to work this a.m lets see how much is done by 7pm when I get home.
Hope everyone has a great day!
Re: Baby Got Back! (Saturday Spam)
After that DH and I are going on a date!! It's been too long. Then of course watching the game tonight. GO DUCKS!!
I had such a nice ass before I got pregnant. One that I worked really hard for too. Squats and lunges for days!! It kind of deflated after pregnancy and weight gain but I've been working towards getting it back. The other day in one of my classes a lady told me that she knew I was the instructor because I have "a dancer's ass." It made me so happy! That is such a huge compliment in my book!
RE the baby's got back...I've always had a flat butt. I'm jealous of all the ladies who got some junk in the trunk
(Autocorrect switched DD to Dad lol)
"Happiness is like a butterfly; the more you chase it the more it will elude you but if u turn your attention to other things it will come & sit softly on your shoulder."
BFP! 04/26/11 - DS born 12/28/11 - BFP #2! 04/02/13 - DD born 12/11/13 -
My Ovulation Chart
I actually feel accomplished today already. I have done a load of laundry, organized shelves, made a pitcher of sweet tea and DD is taking a decent nap! I am hoping to get the apartment back organized and clean today. It's a giant mess.
So since we didn't get much sleep and got a late start we decided to skip the Big E today.
I just saw your least you were 1/2 way successful.
Easton slept pretty good last night!
9:00-1:30 in his crib then nursed him and put him back down and he slept from 2:00-4:30 then when he cried DH got him up and brought him into our bed. I think he's getting used to his crib!!
Thank you for asking :x
"Happiness is like a butterfly; the more you chase it the more it will elude you but if u turn your attention to other things it will come & sit softly on your shoulder."
BFP! 04/26/11 - DS born 12/28/11 - BFP #2! 04/02/13 - DD born 12/11/13 -
My Ovulation Chart
Fingers crossed it's just teething (usually her nose runs when she is) !
Eta: I told her I'm still annoyed about the recent incident but how could I not bring A to meet B?