Special Needs

Spoke too soon

I need to be patient and give his medicine some more time.  Had another incident in school yesterday.  The official child study meeting has been moved up a week to next week.  I'm not sure if this is when an IEP is initiated or if that comes after testing?  I created a rewards chart for home based off of an ADHD model I saw online and gave a copy for FYI purposes to the school counselor and his teacher.  I just wanted the school to know what we're doing at home.

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Re: Spoke too soon

  • Hugs. It's a process, and like bubba said, there are good days and bad days. DD's done really well since we started working with Child Study, but I still get that tightening in my stomach every morning when she leaves for school. You're doing everything you can right now.
  • If you're not sure, ask them what this meeting is. Is it a staffing meeting, or it a meeting to sign forms to start an evaluation.

    Hang in there - good days and bad days are a part of us all. :D
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