July 2013 Moms


andrea0418andrea0418 member
edited September 2014 in July 2013 Moms
Have you ever had something come out your nose? Like laugh so hard that pop/soda came out your nose? It's never happened to me... Yet...

If yes, I'm sure it's a funny story so you should share it :D

CPS: NOSE 102 votes

Yes too many times to count
6% 7 votes
Yes once or twice
56% 58 votes
34% 35 votes
Special nose squirting snowflake
1% 2 votes


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  • Ketchup is not pleasant coming out of your nostrils.... not that I know from experience or anything. :-\"
  • Totes thought this would be about nose jobs.  :^o
  • Never have I ever had a nose job.
  • I've had both soda and vomit come out my nose and both hurt like hell.


  • Liquid once or twice, but I have had mostly chewed CARROT come out two different times. So. Gross.
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  • Soda. And it takes a little while for the feeling to go away.
  • No... But as a kid my adenoids were so enlarged I couldn't breathe through my nose at all. I didn't even have to hold my nose when I jumped in a pool. So there was no way anything was coming out of there.

    By the time I had them removed I was past the age where I would shoot anything out my nose. ;)

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