July 2013 Moms

Toothpaste for lo

What kind are you using?
Our pedi said at his 1yr appt to use fluoride toothpaste because our town does not have fluoride in our water. I used up his orajel no fluoride toothpaste and went to buy fluoride toothpaste but even the kid ones say ages 2 and up. I bought it anyway and just used a tiny bit because he obviously swallows it. Should I stop using it or ctfd?!

Re: Toothpaste for lo

  • I think I remember reading that you're not supposed to use any toothpaste until they can spit it out (pretty sure it was in the WTE series).  We've never used any toothpaste, just a wet toothbrush.  I'm interested to see what others say and I'm adding this to my pedi question list for his 15 month appt.
  • We have some baby toothpaste that's fluoride-free (Earth's Best, maybe? It's a little yellow tube, apple-pear flavored). We have fluoride in our water, though, so I wasn't worried about toothpaste. I just realized that she likes the taste, and is therefore more likely to let us get the toothbrush into her mouth!
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  • I would ask for a fluoride supplement. We are on a well and use bottled water. My pedi gave me a fluoride prescription for DS when he was this age.They were tiny pills that he chewed. I plan to ask for a prescription for DD at her next appointment.

    I would be hesitant to use the fluoride toothpaste. I use the safe if swallowed on DD. They are too young to know to spit. Even at 3, we have to be all over DS to spit and he has swallowed some a few times.
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  • Thanks ladies!
  • As of this year, The American Dental Asso. actually recommends flouride toothpase as soon as LO has teeth. They say to just use a "smear" of the paste instead of the pea-sized amount so there really isn't anthingy to swallow. Start using the pea size amount at 2.

    yup, that's what out pediatric dentist told us too. until it's used up, we use the fluoride-free NUK toothpaste, I think you can buy it on amazon? 
    our town fluoridates the water, though.
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  • We have some baby toothpaste that's fluoride-free (Earth's Best, maybe? It's a little yellow tube, apple-pear flavored). We have fluoride in our water, though, so I wasn't worried about toothpaste. I just realized that she likes the taste, and is therefore more likely to let us get the toothbrush into her mouth!



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