So... we have decent primary insurance that pays everything (all aba therapy) after the first $2,500. My son also qualified for Medicaid, but because he has insurance its not thru a group plan, its just straight medicaid.
So... we get a bill from his therapist for that 2500.00. The way I understand medicaid, they will cover that, if the therapist bills them secondary.
When I spoke to his therapist about the medicaid she said that she is so busy, but will try and get a hold of them next week to get set up to start accepting medicaid.
I went ahead and called Medicaid too and they basically said that it was a easy phone call for her to make and it wouldn't be a huge deal.
I talked to her billing lady who basically laughed and said "yeah, easy call... ok"... i pushed and they are going to call and see what they can find out...
Do you know anything about Medicaid? is there anything else I can do?
Rylee - 3.28.08
Malakai - 8.3.09
Ezra - 12.1.11 ASD
Re: Straight medicaid... Billing Q..
Oh well... They have no problem with me being on a payment plan, so i guess thats good... and what sucks is that i can't just send them my receipts to be reimbursed...
Malakai - 8.3.09
Ezra - 12.1.11 ASD