March 2015 Moms


My god,
We are all supposed to be here for one another and I'm seriously sickened by such rude comments and some of you WOMEN, cause that's what we are WOMEN! Not high school girls and your rudeness, foulness towards some of the other women on here.
You are not. Know it all even if you have multiple kids ! Everyone goes through different crap and experience and THINK different ' so let's all grow the f*** up and stop being so damn rude to each other. Like the most y'all going off and the woman for saying gender and sex, you knew wtf she meant so why go off and cuss and be rude little girls about how she worded something. I am seriously sickened at how half of you responded to her and to some of the threads in here' we are pregnant woman needing to be here to SUPPORT AND UPLIFT! So keep the rudeness to yourself ! Forreal . We are all going through enough being preggo! And yes I have introduced myself and said some of the stuff I have dealt with during this pregnancy. So keep the bitch stfu you didn't even introduce comments to yourself. Grow up you're all going to be mothers for heavens sake! Who really cares if a woman says gender or sex of the baby! Just be happy for her or keep off her thread ! That goes for any one and everyone .

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