Holy Cow! I definatley know the difference between a meltdown, tantrum and whining now!
My son just turned 3 in July, and started preschool end of Aug. His routine has really changed, he also has all new ABA therapist he is getting to know. (We've been doing ABA since he was 2.) I am going to start a journal to help pin point factors that cause the meltdown, and what helped him out of it. I also should mention he is very speech delayed, so I am unable to communicate with him regarding what he needs or is feeling. He can say no though, but its like he doesn't know himself what he wants while he is going through one.
I am seeking any advice on how to handle them, particularly while in the midst of one. Is it harmful developmentally to put my son in his room and let him meltdown alone? I don't want him to have abandonment issues. I also have a 6 month old i will have to take care of and if Dad's not home leaving him alone may be my only option. I will of course make sure he is physically safe. I have tried holding him real tight and singing or saying assuring things such as It's OK, or I'm here. Any advice or resources you may have or know are greatly appreciated. Thanks!
Re: Meltdowns have begun, seeking advice
Also as far as communication goes, have you considered/tried sign language/PECs to give him a means of communicating?
We don't have other kids so I don't have the extra challenge of how to handle both at once. When we got the ASD Dx we decided to not have any more kids. We might change our minds in a few years though.
Meltdowns are hard, try to breathe and stay calm. Give yourself a minute afterwards to relax. And don't let other people judge you for this, a meltdown will happen in public, ignore those around you.