I'm just going to copy some of @bromios list (mostly) cause I love so many of her suggestions
Congratulations! I have no idea what your style is! Here are some boy names!
Sebastian favorite name! planning to use for hypothetical DS1
Carlisle loving this more and more - idk about DH tho
Phormio -what is this???
@bromios I'm laughing that so many of these names have red squiggly lines under them.
ETA: (sorry off topic) what's up with tagging one time it did and one time it didn't? and on mobile it pops up users as options so I know I'm tagging you but on my laptop it doesn't so I have to post comment to check if it tagged someone.???
We also have Jameson on our list. We lost a boy (went in to pre term labor) last August whos middle name was Jameson. DH was thinking about maybe making it the first name of this baby. Right now, we have Declan Lucas, Lucas Declan or Jameson Declan. I have two kids from a previous marriage...Koen and Grace. My son HATES the name Declan and cried on Friday when I said it looks like that is going to be the name. I decided then I couldn't do it. A very very good friend of mine said that we can't give our kids everything they want and the name will grow on my son like it has for me. He doesn't have a reason he doesn't like it..just doesn't like it. My friend told me to tell my son that he isn't going to like poopy diapers but the baby is going to have them. LOL.
All weekend I have suggested other names and everything gets shot down because DH's number one name is Declan. I think we need to just go for it in some sort of fashion (first name or middle name) and my son will eventually be ok with it.
IMO if your son is young enough to cry because he doesn't like the name he's young enough he doesn't get any say in naming you child. That should be only the parent's privilege. But I don't have any children so maybe I dont understand.
IMO if your son is young enough to cry because he doesn't like the name he's young enough he doesn't get any say in naming you child. That should be only the parent's privilege. But I don't have any children so maybe I dont understand.
You are very right. I have learned that I tend to give in to him a bit more than I should because he is more sensitive and his dad and I went through a divorce when he was 'old' enough to understand yet this is why he is acting the way he is...which I know but sometimes it's hard to not go back to the 'old ways' of giving in. He's 9 now and I don't want to make him sound like a baby or he always cries to get his way because it's not like that but you are very right. Naming a child is for the parents....I guess part of it was out of shock that he reacted the way he did...but I have slowly realized that he can love it or hate it but the name my husband and I pick out is going to be it...it is what it is...I just wish this process was as easy as it was with our baby boy we lost last august. maybe that's why this one is so hard...?? I don't know...
I was kind of thinking Jameson would be a reminder but on the flip side, everything is a reminder ya know? You never forget holding a 10 ounce baby boy in your hands...DH said he wouldn't want to use it as a mn again. either first or nothing. Lucas is my top pick. I love Lucas and I love Luke. Elijah is on our list but we like Eli best.
Re: *Drumroll*...it's a BOY!!!!!
I'm just going to copy some of @bromios list (mostly) cause I love so many of her suggestions
Congratulations! I have no idea what your style is! Here are some boy names!
Sebastian favorite name! planning to use for hypothetical DS1
Carlisle loving this more and more - idk about DH tho
Phormio -what is this???
@bromios I'm laughing that so many of these names have red squiggly lines under them.
ETA: (sorry off topic) what's up with tagging one time it did and one time it didn't? and on mobile it pops up users as options so I know I'm tagging you but on my laptop it doesn't so I have to post comment to check if it tagged someone.???
we have a few on our list....
I love Lucas
DH loves Declan and Brecken
We also have Jameson on our list. We lost a boy (went in to pre term labor) last August whos middle name was Jameson. DH was thinking about maybe making it the first name of this baby. Right now, we have Declan Lucas, Lucas Declan or Jameson Declan. I have two kids from a previous marriage...Koen and Grace. My son HATES the name Declan and cried on Friday when I said it looks like that is going to be the name. I decided then I couldn't do it. A very very good friend of mine said that we can't give our kids everything they want and the name will grow on my son like it has for me. He doesn't have a reason he doesn't like it..just doesn't like it. My friend told me to tell my son that he isn't going to like poopy diapers but the baby is going to have them. LOL.
All weekend I have suggested other names and everything gets shot down because DH's number one name is Declan. I think we need to just go for it in some sort of fashion (first name or middle name) and my son will eventually be ok with it.
so sorry for your loss... would it be a constant reminder if you were to use Jameson again? or perhaps use it again as a mn.
Based on Dh's style what about Gideon?
Other suggestions (sorry for any repeats!!)
Noah, Jacob, Ethan, Elijah, Benjamin, Logan, Joshua, Carter, Lucas, Nathan, Adrian, Blake, Brandon, Colton, Wesley, Harrison, Graham, Griffin, Trevor, Gunnar, Elliot, Shane, Dillon, Tobias, Thaddeus, James, Harlan, Garret
I was kind of thinking Jameson would be a reminder but on the flip side, everything is a reminder ya know? You never forget holding a 10 ounce baby boy in your hands...DH said he wouldn't want to use it as a mn again. either first or nothing. Lucas is my top pick. I love Lucas and I love Luke. Elijah is on our list but we like Eli best.
So difficult to choose.