July 2014 Moms

Head lag question

At my son's 1 month appointment, the pedi had remarked that he had slight head lag and that we should continue tummy time and if by the 2nd month it hasn't improved, we'd talk.  She even mentioned that sometimes this requires physical therapy.

I didn't remember actively doing a ton of tummy time with DD so I was surprised that this was an issue.  We've been doing tummy time about 2x per day for 5-10 minutes.  Of course, he hates it.  His head does still lag when I pull him up into sitting position.

From what I read you would want head lag to go away by 3 months.  Anyone else have a similar comment from pedi?  If I lay back and he is on his belly and/or if we're holding him upright... he has pretty good use of his head and can lift it when doing tummy time.  But the head lag part is what seems to be weak.  I didn't like what Dr. Google told me, so I'm just trying not to go into crazy person mode :)  Thanks!

Re: Head lag question

  • I'm a pediatric PT & at one month I would expect head lag. I would even anticipate mild head lag at 2-3 months. The only time head lag at 1-3 months would be concerning to me is if the baby wasn't initiating lifting head when on belly & if whole body was, for lack of a better term, excessively floppy.
    Just keep doing tummy time & stay off Google!
  • ok thank you!!  
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