whenever I see that ad- which is often, because I watch a lot of television...
I am:
1. Unsure whether the Shamwow does, in fact, sell iteself. if I just saw it sitting there all orange and...orange, I don't think I would jump all over it.
2. unimressed by the way that "vince" addresses the camera guy- as though he isn't worthy of pleasantries, or even worthy of being addressed by name..."you followng this camera guy?" what kind of crap is that??
3. Disappointed that he doesn't wipe up under the slice of carpet that he spills soda all over...I know the point isn't that you can peel up your carpet and wipe up a mess- b/c then a paper towel would suffice, but it bums me out that he just leaves that residual soda. That is going to get sticky.
4. Confused and anxious about whether or not he might maybe take a call on that freaking bluetooth he's wearing before he has a chance to tell me the stuff I need to know about the shamwow. What if he DOES take a call? how would I know that you can cut the shamwow in half and use it in two pieces?!
5. doubtful that anyone spends $20 a month on paper towels. really? a month? on paper towels? that pretty much constitutes a paper towel budget...
6. I also refuse to believe that all of those people buying the shamwows at the fleamarket know what they're talking about- they're just buying it- how can they give a testimonial? how do they REALLY know? Are they brainwashed?
In summation, my granny, who likes buying things off of the TEEvee, purchased a shamwow, and said it was a sham alright.
the end
Re: Vince with SHAMWOW doesn't have time for people like you!!!
Nora Judith 7/2/06 Miles Chauncey 4/20/09 born with Trisomy 21 - Down syndrome
You take my ovaries, I take your yarns.
BOF! This is what I needed today.
LOL at "sham alright."
Alex (11/14/06) and Nate (5/25/10)
"Want what you have, do what you can, be who you are." - Rev. Forrest Church
You know, I bet the Shamwow would be GREAT at soaking up BoF's magic pee.
Alex (11/14/06) and Nate (5/25/10)
"Want what you have, do what you can, be who you are." - Rev. Forrest Church
The bigger you get, and the OLDER you get, the funnier you become.
I may just love you. Droopy bewbies and all!
then it wouldn't be necessary to waste an ounce!