June 2014 Moms

What random thing drives your LO crazy?

So I put up this whole "treetop friends" decal collage above our changing table, and right by where DS's head is during a change are these two innocent looking orange flowers. They're about five inches tall and look like the flowers from the original super Mario brothers. I have no idea why, but when DS's little eyes focus on those flowers he Loses. His. Friggin. Mind. Like, squealing, screeching, smiling, arms flailing, feet kicking, absolute pure heavenly bliss. Like the reaction you might expect from a pubescent teenage boy if the Dallas cowboys cheerleaders just lined up in front of him and took off their tops. No clue why.

What random seemingly innocuous item gets your LO going? I hear ceiling fans are popular?



Re: What random thing drives your LO crazy?

  • Loading the player...
  • Washing her face... But it is the angry crazy, not happy crazy. She absolutely hates anything that touches her eyes and forehead as if i am ripping her eyes out.
  • Happy crazy? Our ceiling fan. Or more specifically, the moving shadow made by the ceiling fan. In her crankiest moments, it never fails to crack a smile on her face. 

    Being with my LO rocks! DD born 6/13/14.
  • The bath and when I use a super high voice and say "Good morning little boy!" In a super high shrill voice. He also gets jacked up happy at The Chica Show on Sprout.
    Married 9/17/11 BFP 10/5/13 DS Oliver Stephen born 6/11/14 via C-section 8 lbs 9 oz BFP 8/14/15
  • The Baby Einstein Take Along Tunes. So much happiness out of that thing!

    Someone gave me this! I need to take it out of the package!



  • I just bought two finger puppet books: one is a lion the other a giraffe. He goes nuts grabbing at those puppets! He could play with those for hours and sometimes we do!
    First time mommy-to-be
    E.D.D. June 1, 2014

  • Another bath lover! She kicked and splashes so much, I'm usually soled after her bath time.
  • coffee89coffee89 member
    edited September 2014
    BFP: July 2013 M/C August 5, 2013
    BFP: October 22, 2013 EDD: June 21, 2014
    Baby boy arrived June 23, 2014

    BFP: February 2016 EDD: October 17, 2016
  • ElTrain5 said:

    The Baby Einstein Take Along Tunes. So much happiness out of that thing!

    Someone gave me this! I need to take it out of the package!
    I was going to buy him this today!
    H LOVES playing peek a boo. I'll put a blanket over his face and pull it away and he goes bananas. He also loves anything that makes noise. His wrist rattles, sock monkey lovey, and play gym. Oh and when he is super hungry and is about to get a boob he smiles so big and kicks his little legs. Bad crazy is a poopy diaper and being stationary.
    November D16  Siggy Challenge-Thanksgiving Fails

    Pregnancy Ticker
  • @ElTrain5‌ @jennyd321 My 2 year old still plays with it. The music is actually not annoying!
  • I love the take away tunes too but wish it had an extended play setting instead of having to press the button after every short song. I stared at it for a while trying to figure out if it was in testing or display mode. I have one for the diaper bag / car and one for homie. I agree that the songs aren't super annoying, it's a great value toy for the money.
    Married 9/17/11 BFP 10/5/13 DS Oliver Stephen born 6/11/14 via C-section 8 lbs 9 oz BFP 8/14/15
  • She likes the bath, her own reflection, getting into the car, midnight, having her clothes removed, the projector component of the TV, my phone, and two paintings in our house. She is enraged by jazz, Jon Stewart, having clothes put on her, and DH's phone.
    image    image

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • smhorak said:


    Ok. Now I must know...... ;)



  • The keys hanging from a mirrored key hook. They move from the a/c vent and she loves them. She started "chatting" with them very early in age.

    Image and video hosting by TinyPic image

  • Mine loves looking at herself in the bathroom mirror, she smiles and kicks when I hold her up to it. She also gets excited to see the alphabet animal cards I have hanging behind her changing table and likes to kick/grab the "vulture" one that's within her reach when she's laying there.
  • Anything he can kick. He's going to have ridiculously strong legs. He likes looking at himself, lights, the TV and the ceiling fan.
     TTC#1 Since April 2011 
    BFP#1 5.23.12 C/P 4w4d 
    BFP #2 10.1.13
    EDD June 10, 2014
  • The ceiling fan! She's absolutely obsessed. She also loves this mobile I made out of fake flowers and crystals.
  • @kks4471 That picture is too cute! His face is priceless!
    November D16  Siggy Challenge-Thanksgiving Fails

    Pregnancy Ticker
  • Gordon Ramsay! Last night was a double feature with Master Chef then Hotel Hell. Something about his accent had LO kicking and cooing like crazy!
    First time mommy-to-be
    E.D.D. June 1, 2014

  • Songs with hand motions like "The Itsy Bitsy Spider" and "Head and shoulders..."

    She loved the Take Along Tunes, but unfortunately we lost it on our trip. She also loves Violet (by Leapfrog). Basically anything that plays music and lights up!
  • The ceiling fan, when we go into her room and open the curtains in the morning and tell her "good morning" and her bumble bee mobile. She's also starting to love her reflection.
    BabyFruit Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • He loves any ceiling fan and if it is not running he will stare at it with a concerned/concentrating face like "how do I make it move".  He LOVES when DH says the alphabet to him in a silly voice and baths. Oh, how he loves a bath; we've got a water baby for sure!


  • Bad crazy - DD1 just learned to growl like a bear and if she does it anywhere around DD2, she makes an instant pouty face and starts to cry like she is terrified.

    Pregnancy Ticker
  • Happy crazy- her reflection and the Good Morning song. She loves the plant behind our couch. It slays makes her smile and she talks to it.

    Irate- Washing her face, cleaning ears, and laying her down where she can't are anything.

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
    BabyFruit Ticker

    Special prayers for angels that we never met!
  • Last week DH discovered that Elijah LOVES a popping sound DH makes with his mouth. He literally laughed and squealed with pleasure for 10 mins while DH made a song of it
  • DS loves the ceiling fan, a projector we use at night that has stars, and the mobile we have on his crib.  Gets into a sort of zone and refuses to look at anything else.  He is also obsessed with anything that makes a crinkley noise.
    Egg Retrieval - Feb. 2013 -> OHSS.  FET#1 - June 2013(failed). FET#2 - October 2013(success!) Griffin Alistair: 6#10oz 20" long, born 6/19/14 @ 4:04am
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