September 2014 Moms

Possible[Confirmed] Cholestasis- Being Induced today!

kirstynikolekirstynikole member
edited August 2014 in September 2014 Moms
So I know a few of the ladies on here were induced early due to Cholestasis and it seems like I may be in the same boat, so any advice or previous experiences with this would be appreciated!

Last Thursday night I woke up with severe itching all over my body but specifically my hands and feet, accompanied with nausea and a few other odd symptoms. Since then it's gotten a little worse and become a nightly occurrence so I went into my DR office on Monday and saw a NP. Before even examining me- practically as she is walking into the room with her head down in my chart- she says, "Have you ever heard of PUPPS, it seems that's what you have.". She then wrote down an over the counter soap to try and walked out. Upset and a bit shocked at how quickly the whole "appointment" went, upon checking out I asked to leave a message for my doctor or talk to the PA before leaving because I didn't feel adequately answered or helped. The PA came out into the lobby and I told her my concerns for cholestasis due to my symptoms. She was astonished that the NP didn't even discuss my symptoms further or perform labwork for possible cholestasis,thank goodness I went with my gut and asked to speak with someone else because she took me back for labwork right away.

Friday at my OB check my partial labs came in and I had elevated liver enzymes, elevated protein in my urine and out of character high blood pressure- so they kept me for monitoring for a few hours. Baby boy looked great on the monitor and ultrasound and checked out fine- so that's great! I'm just worried if that will change at all the longer this progresses. Now we're waiting on the full labwork results for my bile acids to come in on Tuesday- dependent on that I may or may not be induced.

I'm a bit concerned with how this will affect baby and his delivery. Yea I'm feeling yucky and out of sorts but I can deal with that as long as he's not being affected. To those of you that have experience with this, what were your doctor's concerns for your baby etc and at what point were you induced if needed?
What gets me a bit overly worried is this snippet from the american pregnancy website "Cholestasis may increase the risks for fetal distress, preterm birth, or stillbirth."

thanks for any help! sorry it's a bit of a novel to read.

Re: Possible[Confirmed] Cholestasis- Being Induced today!

  • I am also waiting. I go to mfm on Tuesday for an ultrasound and will most likely be induced Thursday if my repeat blood work doesn't show improvement. This is my 2nd time around with cholestasis. Also ask about having non stress tests done to check on the baby. The itching sucks!!
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  • Thanks everyone! At the forst apt on Monday I sat in my car for about 10 minutes after being discharged but went back in and asked about speaking to someone else because my gut feeling told me to! It's frustrating when some people assume we're being overly paranoid pregnant ladies when in actuality sometimes we do know our body best!

    I'm staying very attentive to how active he is and although I had put the Doppler away after first trimester it's back out again!

    Again thanks y'all! Hopefully whatever is supposed to happen will go smoothly.
  • I was induced 2 days after my labs came back positive at 37w2d. It's good they checked the babe and hopefully your salt levels will be back ASAP. My induction included 24 hours of cervidil and then pitocin to get my little girl out (37 hrs total). It was very painful but worth it in the end. Let us know what they say.
  • kirstynikolekirstynikole member
    edited August 2014
    hopefully y'all get some good answers and some sort of conclusion soon! The wondering is what's getting to me!

    I'm actually at the hospital now. I called my doctor's line and told them today I was feeling worse- a bit more nauseated, tired etc and she told me to go down to L&D for monitoring. Turns out my liver values are up across the board now and I have the start of a fever. Baby however is doing GREAT, good heart rate, moving around a good bit and seems to not be affected.

    However my doctor is about 90% sure it is Choleostasis and
    since it is starting to affect meMrsLaLaBugPintoBean77 It is DEFINITELY a good thing that I was an advocate for my health and asked for a second opinion! The bile acids labwork I insisted on having drawn last Monday won't be back until this Monday- imagine if I had waited or just brushed it off as nothing! I had never seen the NP before, and from the sounds of it, she got into some major trouble from both the PA on staff and my doctor who owns the practice.
    dearfoam that's encouraging to hear! I'm glad everything went well for your friend as well! mambonumber5 I remember reading your birth story and was hoping I'd hear from you about it! Glad you both are doing well :)

    Here's to waiting until morning and seeing what's in store for me and little man!
  • Good luck today!
  • Good luck today!
    Big Brother Nolan 07.30.12
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  • Best wishes for a speedy delivery!
  • Good luck today!

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  • Good luck!! :)
  • Good luck today, you'll do great!
  • Good luck today!!

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  • I am a very infrequent poster, but wanted to chime in to hopefully put your mind at ease. I was diagnosed with cholestasis and induced at 37 weeks (2 weeks ago today, actually). Although the induction was unexpected and a little bit stressful,  baby boy is perfectly fine and the doctors assured me that there would be no residual effects on the baby after he was delivered. Unfortunately, two weeks post delivery and U an still dealing with a semi-persistent itch, but at least I've got a healthy baby boy in my arms. Best of luck today!
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  • Good luck!!
  • Good luck today.
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