April 2014 Moms

What do you miss

mrscrcallimrscrcalli member
edited August 2014 in April 2014 Moms
As we go into September where our first ultrasounds were happening and it was all becoming real, getting our Bloat Bumps...

What do you miss most about being pregnant??
September Siggy Challenge: What I Sing in the Shower: Little Mermaid "Part Of That World"image

What do you miss 192 votes

Eating all the things
4% 9 votes
Feeling my little human
39% 75 votes
Getting a free pass for all the things
13% 26 votes
I miss everything about being pregnant
17% 33 votes
Not a damn thing!
21% 41 votes
4% 8 votes

Re: What do you miss

  • I voted option 2. Crazy as it sounds, I never got tired of feeling DS's ninja kicks! Even if it was at 5 a.m...
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  • I would love to have another but I wish I could skip the pregnant part. This one wasn't easy.

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  • SS- strangely miss morning sickness. I miss being too sick to eat. Feel so fat. Am so fat.
  • ^ and that.

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker 


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  • I do not miss that ish.
  • I still eat all the things... So I miss nothing. I much prefer my outside baby!
    May the Fourth Be With You: Our 5-4-14 Baby: Andrew Joseph
  • J&NLJ&NL member
    Nothing. I like having an outside baby way more. 
    photo ee249d6c-880a-4eb4-bc43-d6ab1f9fe662.jpg
  • I voted eating all the things... If I have to give up wine, I'm gonna eat! Needless to say I am nowhere near my pre-pregnancy weight....
  • Uh mucus-heartburn-barfy hell? No, I don't miss it. At all.

    BFP #1 May 20, 2013   
    MC June 27, 2013   BFP #2 August 2, 2013   Baby Boy born 4/25/14 (3 weeks overdue!)
    April 14 August Siggy Challenge- "This time last year.."
  • bpatrick0809bpatrick0809 member
    edited August 2014
    Had the easiest pregnancy and labor ever but miss nothing! I love having my baby here! He's sooo good!
  • I miss nothing. Especially feeling the baby.

    Okay. MAYBE I miss my body from weeks 25-35. I actually feel sexy with a nice belly but pre-HUGENESS.
    DD 2/21/2012 & DS 4/1/2014
  • I kind of hate those of you who had such delightful pregnancies.

    BFP #1 May 20, 2013   
    MC June 27, 2013   BFP #2 August 2, 2013   Baby Boy born 4/25/14 (3 weeks overdue!)
    April 14 August Siggy Challenge- "This time last year.."
  • The bump, the movement, and the feeling that no matter where I was or what I was doing I was accomplishing something important. 
    March 2017 September Siggy Challenge: Favorite Fall Things

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    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
    Pregnancy Ticker
  • I miss my adorable belly. I had a seriously cute bump.
  • Kyllarae said:

    Pregnancy sucked. I don't miss it.

    This! And while I loved getting the royal treatment, I especially do not miss all of the random questions from strangers. Sorry lady in Walmart, I won't tell you if I'm dilated or breastfeeding, move along now.
    There.. I said it.
    Babies tho I Looooove babies :)
  • I was sick until 28 weeks, but I miss being able to sleep whenever and run out the door if we needed something. Ds is a tough baby, so it's been a really rough road.

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