Sure-- I am getting married next Saturday, and that's stressful enough, but this week, I have had high levels of anxiety. Like...where I feel my heart race and sometimes my stomach hurts.
It's about TTC, though...I know it. While I am very excited and happy to begin, I just am so anxious about it all. I see a Pampers commercial and get all emotional. I analyze every food I put in my body. I see a pregnant woman or a baby and get awkwardly over zealous like "Awww...look honey. Look at that beautiful baby/bump!!!"
I honestly think I just need a drink and day to completely relax.
Anyone else feeling this way, or am I a complete oddball?
Re: Anxiety and TTC
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Definitely just enjoy yourself with the bachelorette party, wedding, and honeymoon! Just take everything one day at a time so the wedding fun doesn't go by too much in a blur. You want to enjoy each of these it up this weekend and next...and on the honeymoon and maybe let the TTC happen more in the background? (Pot calling kettle here...)
Where are you going on honeymoon?!?
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@lgsdesigner You're not alone! I've been trying to keep it under control but it does rear its head. It woke me up last night a few hours after I went to bed and kept me awake and restless a while - I had been dreaming about temping this morning (I've been concerned that my temps seem below average, which is probably silly because it's how the temps relate to one another more so than how they related to someone else's, right?)
And congrats on the impending wedding! You have a lot on your plate, but just try to enjoy it; Think of your "anxiety" as "excitement," maybe that will help.
Me: 35, He: 41. Baby #1!
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And...I hear you on the partner being so into it, it puts more pressure on, DH is 5 years younger than I am, so I'm constantly convinced that my AMA is going to ruin our chances and it will all be my fault. Nevermind that I have no rational reason to believe this. Yes, after trying for one month, this is my conclusion. I want it to happen quickly as much to allay my fears as anything (DH is sort of naive about how long it can take and so I just want it to happen so I don't have to be reminded...again...that I'm "old")
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First SQUUEEEE you're getting MARRIED! Congratulations!
no you are not an oddball. When it was all talk and the future I was fine but the minute we said "ok lets do this" I was overwhelmed, I'm looking at every pregnant woman, little babies, cutsie baby stuff, thinking about daycare and insurance and DYING at what that is all going to cost us. I'm now having dreams about twins so my anxiety has doubled haha. Relax and pamper yourself this week, enjoy everything leading up and surrounding the wedding! I'm sure there will be lots of toasting in your honor so enjoy!
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I know it's irrational to think I magically got "too old"...but since when did rational win out over good old fashioned crazy?! Ha!
@tmorash my pre-O temps have been low 97/high 96 if that helps.
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