November 2014 Moms

Should I tell my boss?....

Before I start, I'd like to mention that my boss is VERY relaxed. The place I work is very laid back and to be honest...they try to be professional but, yyeeaa....not so much. I'm surprised by how much of an open book she is half the time and she's very much about her department and screw everyone's so weird...


As soon as I told her I was pregnant (about 8 wks) she was super excited and jokingly asked me if I planned on quitting and I was up front and said "Well, to be honest, it's possible BUT it's definitely not the plan"

20 weeks later...I have no day care/sitter options! I have ONE place that I'm waiting to hear from and they've already told me that they wouldn't know if they had an opening for me until AFTER the baby was born and to expect to hear something while I'm on maternity leave. DH & I have talked about it and if that falls through, it looks like I'll be quitting my job. Is this something I should tell my boss about now? I've exhausted all of my other options so I know these two are my only choices but I hate to quit and especially put in my two weeks notice WHILE I'm on maternity leave! That seems pretty crappy...

OR...should I just shut up and see what happens? I'd like to give her a heads up and honestly don't think she's be mad, but she's probably be stressed and it'd get around quick....


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Re: Should I tell my boss?....

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    I just went through something very similar.   I told my bosses about a month ago that I wouldn't be returning to give them enough time to train and hire someone else.  I thought that was the best thing to do since I have been here for 6 years.  Also, I thought it would help me out if I ever wanted to get back in the industry, ending on a good note. forward to today.  They have yet to look for someone else.  Every time I mention that I would like to train someone before I leave, they shrug and say...oh yeah that'd be cool.  Haha, so I don't know if telling them early was for the better or not.  

    Personal question:  Is your insurance through your company?  If so, call them to see what the best option would be.  My HR department actually told me that I could go on maternity leave and then "quit" during the leave.  I thought that was shitty so i'm putting in my official resignation on October 1st.  This will give my insurance company enough time to adjust to cobra insurance before baby comes.  

    I hope this helps!! 


     Married:  08.17.2013
    Sweet Angel Baby: 02.01.2014
    Emerson Shay:  10:28:2014
    Two Fur Babies:  Talli Mae and Lexi

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    I just went through something very similar.   I told my bosses about a month ago that I wouldn't be returning to give them enough time to train and hire someone else.  I thought that was the best thing to do since I have been here for 6 years.  Also, I thought it would help me out if I ever wanted to get back in the industry, ending on a good note. forward to today.  They have yet to look for someone else.  Every time I mention that I would like to train someone before I leave, they shrug and say...oh yeah that'd be cool.  Haha, so I don't know if telling them early was for the better or not.  

    Personal question:  Is your insurance through your company?  If so, call them to see what the best option would be.  My HR department actually told me that I could go on maternity leave and then "quit" during the leave.  I thought that was shitty so i'm putting in my official resignation on October 1st.  This will give my insurance company enough time to adjust to cobra insurance before baby comes.  

    I hope this helps!! 

    Yes, my insurance is through my work place. I have a $14,000 deductible and it literally pays for nothing so everything will be out of pocket...therefore...I could care less but of course, legally, I'm going to need coverage & have no idea how to even go about that. The Insurance offered through DHs job is terrible and way too expensive..SO....f me, right?

    I went off on something totally different lol, sorry. I'm lost in this world! 


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    Same boat here but I pretty much looks I'm not coming back.  We have no option besides trying for daycare and that would totally negate my whole salary so we don't feel I should schlep into the city everyday for no reason.  When I talked to HR and asked if for any reason I didn't come back would I have to pay anything back and they said no just give them a call to say I wasn't coming back.  About a week ago we have one of our non-monetary reviews and the question FINALLY came up if I was coming back.  I told them that right now it's up in the air.  I would like to come back but we are having issues with child care.  I didn't want to come right out and say no, just in case something happened and I do come back or if that would screw up my maternity leave and vac I have banked.  Our insurance is through my DH so that isn't an issue.  I feel guilty not telling them but on the other hand I don't.
    ~Nov14 Moms November Siggy Challenge: CELEBRATION!! ~

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    NLJ82 said:
    I just went through something very similar.   I told my bosses about a month ago that I wouldn't be returning to give them enough time to train and hire someone else.  I thought that was the best thing to do since I have been here for 6 years.  Also, I thought it would help me out if I ever wanted to get back in the industry, ending on a good note. forward to today.  They have yet to look for someone else.  Every time I mention that I would like to train someone before I leave, they shrug and say...oh yeah that'd be cool.  Haha, so I don't know if telling them early was for the better or not.  

    Personal question:  Is your insurance through your company?  If so, call them to see what the best option would be.  My HR department actually told me that I could go on maternity leave and then "quit" during the leave.  I thought that was shitty so i'm putting in my official resignation on October 1st.  This will give my insurance company enough time to adjust to cobra insurance before baby comes.  

    I hope this helps!! 

    Yes, my insurance is through my work place. I have a $14,000 deductible and it literally pays for nothing so everything will be out of pocket...therefore...I could care less but of course, legally, I'm going to need coverage & have no idea how to even go about that. The Insurance offered through DHs job is terrible and way too expensive..SO....f me, right?

    I went off on something totally different lol, sorry. I'm lost in this world! 

    I'm not sure if your insurance offers this but my insurance offered me "cobra" which is a temporary insurance.  It's awesome.  I basically can stay on my current insurance plan for 18 months before I have to find something else.  I have to pay for it out of pocket BUT it's waaayy cheaper than DH's.   I would call your insurance company to see if they offer it, ask how much it is and how long can you stay on it.  The best part is all of the money you have put towards your deductible during your pregnancy will still be there.  I met my deductible earlier this summer so I didn't want to lose that by going with a different insurance company.    Make sure you get it all in writing too.  

    I hope this helps!!


     Married:  08.17.2013
    Sweet Angel Baby: 02.01.2014
    Emerson Shay:  10:28:2014
    Two Fur Babies:  Talli Mae and Lexi

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    Sounds like you guys are pretty open with each other about stuff,  I would let her know that you are having an issue finding a solid daycare opening.    At least that way if it doesn't work out and you can't go back,  she will have had plenty of time to think about how to move forward without you.   I would let her know that you are still planning on coming back, but obviously without childcare,  you can't go back to work.


    Nov. '14 January Siggy : Work Sucks!


    Me 32-DH 38

    Married July 14, 2007  ----- TTC # 1 October 1, 2013
    BFP   March 7, 2014  -----  EDD November 17, 2014 ---- Baby boy born November 16, 2014

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    I really don't think it's worth mentioning it now. It probably doesn't seem like it, but you still have some time, and I don't think it would be the worst thing in the world to give two weeks while on leave. You have to do what is best for you and your family--that's the top priority. If quitting isn't a set in stone reality now, I think all mentioning would do is stress your boss out. Just my two cents! 
    This.  You still have time, and it's not worth stressing them out about it now.  Plus, it could affect your insurance and your maternity leave options.  A lot can happen between now and when you go back to work in terms of other options opening up.  It's a long story, but while on maternity leave, I found out that my "shoe-in" daycare fell through, and I had to scramble at the last minute.  We had DS is a less than ideal center for a few weeks before we got off the waitlist somewhere else.  I've had friends who have had nannies for two months while they waited to get off waitlists.  There are still a lot of unknowns and you shouldn't needlessly worry your boss. 
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