November 2014 Moms

Baby Is Going to Give Me a Heart Attack-new update in comments)


Re: Baby Is Going to Give Me a Heart Attack-new update in comments)

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    Update: Thanks so much for everyone's kind words! Definitely made me feel better.

    I just got home from the US and it turns out we just have a very chill baby who doesn't like to move a lot. The tech said the movement was "adequate" and that they weren't concerned in that regard, just that baby won't move a lot. She also measured placenta and it is 6 inches thick plus baby is breech. She said all of that makes it even harder to feel movement.

    LO sat in there the entire time sucking it's thumb. At one point she was pushing on its head, trying to get it to move (to give me a free 3D pic of its face), and all it did was yawn then continue sucking its thumb. Ha!

    She also held the US wand still so I could see baby move (watching it's feet/legs), and it VERY SLOOOWWLLLY stretched out its legs. Not a hard kick at all. Tech said she totally understands why I'm not feeling movement and to just hang in there.

    I go for my next appt in 2 weeks. I guess if I'm not feeling more by then, they'll start the every week nonstress test. I'm hoping by then I'm feeling movement! This is the most frustrating feeling ever.

    Baby weighed 2 lb 8 oz and they predicted birth weight of 7 lb 7 oz. They redid measurements and said everything was within the normal percentile. Heartrate at US office was 128 (which was funny since it was 140 an hour earlier).

    Anyways, thanks again for the support. I'm attaching a pic of baby sucking it's thumb, but it's not very clear.
    This cracked me up.  Chill kid!  I'm glad everything is looking good and I hope you feel more movement in the coming weeks!!




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    @jamiek1882 - thanks for explaining. that's not what I've been feeling. I'm so glad everything turned out well!
    BabyFruit Ticker
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    Hmm no idea. No button. Just have monitors hooked up to my belly and watching baby's heartrate change. They said as baby moves heartrate will fluctuate.

    Baby isn't moving much, so just have me some pop to drink.
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    Hope all goes well -- at least you have us to keep you from getting too bored!! 
    Pregnancy Ticker
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    Seriously the bump is my saving grace right now! I'm catching up on the random thread!
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