November 2014 Moms

Baby Is Going to Give Me a Heart Attack-new update in comments)

JamieK1882JamieK1882 member
edited August 2014 in November 2014 Moms
Thanks in advance for listening. I'm having a nervous breakdown.

As I've said, I have an anterior placenta, so I haven't felt baby move. Sometimes I feel what I *think* is movement, but it's never strong and I'm never really sure. I just left my 28 week appt/glucose test. The doctor today asked if I had been feeling movement and started talking to me about counting kicks. I told her I can't feel anything. She didn't believe me. She said even with an AP I should be feeling some movement.

Then she said, "Ok we're going to feel it together." And proceeded to push on my stomach with both of our sets of hands there. Nothing. Even SHE couldn't feel anything. She said she just kept feeling the placental pulse.

So her recommendation is that I go for another ultrasound today (can't wait) so that they can hopefully detect movement and *teach* me so that I can tell when baby is moving. If this doesn't work, I need to start coming in for weekly non-stress tests.

The baby's heartrate was fine (mid-140s) and although the doctor didn't seem panicked, she definitely seemed concern I couldn't feel anything. It made me feel like a failure as a mother because I can't feel movement. Trust me, I want nothing more in the world than to feel it. So now I'm sitting in the ultrasound office waiting to get squeezed in.

Any words of encouragement are appreciated.
Update: Thanks so much for everyone's kind words! Definitely made me feel better.

I just got home from the US and it turns out we just have a very chill baby who doesn't like to move a lot. The tech said the movement was "adequate" and that they weren't concerned in that regard, just that baby won't move a lot. She also measured placenta and it is 6 inches thick plus baby is breech. She said all of that makes it even harder to feel movement.

LO sat in there the entire time sucking it's thumb. At one point she was pushing on its head, trying to get it to move (to give me a free 3D pic of its face), and all it did was yawn then continue sucking its thumb. Ha!

She also held the US wand still so I could see baby move (watching it's feet/legs), and it VERY SLOOOWWLLLY stretched out its legs. Not a hard kick at all. Tech said she totally understands why I'm not feeling movement and to just hang in there.

I go for my next appt in 2 weeks. I guess if I'm not feeling more by then, they'll start the every week nonstress test. I'm hoping by then I'm feeling movement! This is the most frustrating feeling ever.

Baby weighed 2 lb 8 oz and they predicted birth weight of 7 lb 7 oz. They redid measurements and said everything was within the normal percentile. Heartrate at US office was 128 (which was funny since it was 140 an hour earlier).

Anyways, thanks again for the support. I'm attaching a pic of baby sucking it's thumb, but it's not very clear.

Re: Baby Is Going to Give Me a Heart Attack-new update in comments)

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    Thoughts and prayers...let us know how it goes!
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    Thoughts going out to you! It doesn't make you a bad mom at all!
    BabyFruit Ticker
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    There is no way that you are a failure as a mom just because you really haven't felt the baby.  Even the doctor couldn't feel LO move.  You might have felt something light here and there and didn't even realize it.
    Hopefully something will come to light with the ultrasound.  Keep us posted.
    ~Nov14 Moms November Siggy Challenge: CELEBRATION!! ~

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    Good Luck! I actually JUST had this happen last week. I mentioned to my OB that I very rarely feel anything and that when I think I do, it feels very light and at random times. The heartbeat in the office was fine but she sent me for an ultrasound also and he was breech and backwards (and has been for several weeks based on all the u/s I've had) and said that's why I wasn't feeling much but that everything looked good. I'd say if you have an anterior placenta that'll obviously impact feeling movement a lot SO...I'm sure you and LO are fine ;-) Will be praying! Keep us posted :)


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    I'm sorry that you can't feel the baby, I hope that the US helps!  But whether it does or doesn't, not a bad mother.

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    Baby boy arrived 11/13/14!

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    Definitely not a failure!! Have a fun ultrasound :)  You'll feel much better once you see your LO in there.  Maybe just not a shaker and a mover just yet.
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    *HUGS*  You are not a failure of a mother!!!  I'm sure your placenta is just being a butthead and blocking movement.




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    You're not a bad mama at all. Like pp said he might be faced toward your back and maybe that's why. I hope your ultrasound is awesome and makes you feel better
    My prince

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    hopefully this u/s gives you some peace of mind. How frustrating for you, but I agree with pp...if the OB can't feel it, how are you supposed to. I've never had an anterior placenta, so I can't imagine what you are going through but don't feel like a failure.
    Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers Lilypie First Birthday tickers
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    Ugh! That sucks! I hope you have a good ultrasound and they can figure out what's going on with baby. Since the heartbeat is fine, I'm guessing it's a combination of AP and her positioning.

    N14 Nov. Siggy: CELEBRATION!

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    Lilypie Premature Baby tickers
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    You must have one heck of a placenta! 

    It is good they are going to keep an eye on you, but in no way, shape or form is this your fault. 
    Daisypath Happy Birthday tickers
    Lilypie - (C6hS)

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    ((Hugs)) Please don't feel like a bad mom. It is not your fault that you can't feel LO and it had nothing to do with your abilities as a parent. Please keep us updated after the u/s. I'll be thinking of you.
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    Not a bad mom at all! Hugs! Hope all goes well!! 
    Pregnancy Ticker
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    i'm sorry you're going through this, I know you've been concerned for some time. Hopefully the US will show the baby wiggling away and just in a funky position. good luck!
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    I'm sorry! Please don't feel like a bad mom, there is nothing you could do to change this. Baby's heart rate sounded great, so that's good news!! Let us know how the ultrasound goes! ;)
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    I'm sorry your placenta is an asshole. I hope that you have a great ultrasound and learn when baby is moving! From all of your posts you sound like a very active person and sometimes light movement can be hard to feel when you aren't really sitting and waiting for it. Please don't be too hard on yourself!
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
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    Oh one more thing...I went in about 2 weeks ago cause I was feeling movement and then it kinda stopped for 2 days and I panicked. Doc ordered an U/S and did a pelvic check (making sure cervix was good).  Well I don't know if it was his hand up there or the U/S but he has not stopped since.  Maybe your little one just needs a kick start :)

    You are definitely not a failure or a bad mom.
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    I agree with what all pp's have said! You are not a bad mother at all, just the opposite! I am sending lots of hugs and I hope you get to see and feel all kinds of movement at the ultrasound! Keeps us posted!
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    Baby "H" due November 7
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    I hope the scan will help ease your mind. Mine is also anterior but around 28 I started feeling her finally. Now at almost 30 weeks she wont stop moving. I'm convinced she was just being lazy in there. She still has lazy days. Yesterday I felt nothing but today she is everywhere stretched, kicking, jamming her foot in my ribs and everything.

    Me 32 and DH 40

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    1 MC Nov. 2013

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    Hugs! You are not a bad mom. I have an anterior placenta too and it took along time for me to feel movements too. I am sure with the ultrasound techs help you will be able to figure out what movement feels like.
    Kaitlyn - born November 7, 2014
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    It sounds like your doctor was being a little dismissive? Which would probably get me upset. Baby has a great heart rate so that's great! I'm glad they ordered you an US to see what's up. It'll be good to know what position baby is in because that's probably affecting your feeling along with the AP. I know what it's like to be hard on yourself but reality is it's not your fault and definitely not something you are doing wrong! Wishing lots of luck, keep us posted!
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    @jamiek1882 - So sorry you're having a hard time feeling the baby. I'm sure everything is fine, and I hope your u/s goes well. I was wondering though what you mean when you say the doc only felt a placental pulse? I too have an anterior placenta and have been thinking what I feel is the baby, but I've never heard of this pulse before...would you mind telling me what it felt like?
    BabyFruit Ticker
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    aww, I am sorry you are still not feeling movement  :(   Thats a bummer.  Hopefully you get confirmation that everything is ok today,  and don't have to go through too many non stress tests before you start to feel movement.     Hang in there!    You are not a bad mother,  I don't think its in your control at all.   

    Nov. '14 January Siggy : Work Sucks!


    Me 32-DH 38

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    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
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    Another way to look at it is your placenta is super awesome and beefy that you can't feel movement. It's because you are such a good Mom, providing awesome nutrients to your baby!
    Excellent take on this! Good luck with the U/S - how can you be expected to feel anything or know what you're feeling when all along to this point they've been telling you that you won't feel much with an anterior placenta?  Deep breaths, you are a good mom and you are doing the right things for your baby!

    *hugs and support*
    CafeMom Tickers

    N14 January Siggy Challenge - What Sucks About Work

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    @carmelissa--the doctor and I both had our hands on my stomach and it literally just felt like a strong pulse (as if you were checking your pulse on your wrist). She said that wasn't baby moving, just a pulse from the blood flow in the placenta
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    Don't feel bad! My mom said she rarely felt my little sister to the point where they used to hold a buzzer to her stomach to try and make my sister respond! I'm glad you got confirmation that things are fine though!

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
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    Just got to this now. So glad everything is a ok, and baby just isn't much of a mover. I hope you do start to feel movement soon. Thinking of you.
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    I'm glad all is well!

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    Glad that you now have some answers and got to see a healthy baby!

    Lilypie Second Birthday tickers  Lilypie First Birthday tickers

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    So glad to hear the u/s went well! Fx you start to feel movement soon!








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    So glad to see your update and that everything is ok. Hopefully you start to feel more movements so you don't have to worry about weekly NSTs. 
    Me:35 DH:35
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    Yay for a good u/s! Too funny that baby is so relaxed and chill!
    BabyFruit Ticker
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    So glad to hear you just have a very relaxed baby! Hopefully LO is like that in real life too :)
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    Great news!!! So happy your baby is healthy! Hoping she starts to give you some reassurance soon :-)

    IAmPregnant Ticker

    First Met: March 13, 2009
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    Aww, I'm glad you just have a chill baby! Hopefully it stays as chill when it is born! :)
    Daisypath Anniversary tickers

    Daisypath Anniversary tickers
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    That's wonderful news!!
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    Yay for great news!! :)
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    The tech told me that my baby was just a lazy kid lol. She roughly bounced the wand on my stomach several times to try to prod him around and get him to move and he barely did so I totally get it. I expected so much movement at this point and I get VERY little.

    Happy for you guys though! Congrats on the cutie :)


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    kstirtonkstirton member
    edited August 2014
    I'm SO glad you shared your story - it just further confirms that every baby (and momma) is different in regards to movement.  


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