Baby Names

Opinion on boy name

I'm due any day now with # 3 and dh and I have yet to come up with any boy names that we like. I have a million girl names, so I'm sure this one will be another boy : )

Anyway, earlier today I heard the name Wells and it's the first name I actually kind of like, but I feel like it's incomplete. Is Wellesley with the nn Wells totally pretentious?

Thanks ladies!!
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Re: Opinion on boy name

  • Wellesley= Well esss leee

    maybe your  spelling is off and you meant wesley?
  • Wesley is great! Wellesley is too much imo and none too easy on the eyes or tongue. Good luck in your decision.
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  • Wellesley is too pretentious, but I like Wells. What about Briggs, Clark, Brooks?
  • Wells is okay-ish, it is a name used in DH's family quite a bit. 

    Wellesley is an over the top way to get to a FN option you like. It's unnecessary. Both Wells and Wellesley are surnames so modifying one to get to the other doesn't really make it more of a  'name.' 

    And IMO, if they aren't family names for you, neither one makes a whole lot of sense anyhow.
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  • Yikes, I'm sorry but I really don't like it.

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  • Yeah if I heard Wells I would solidly assume it was your maiden name that you wanted to pass down.

    Wellesley is a prestigious women's college and should remain such.

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  • Stick with Wells
  • Wesley, please.
    Oscar Leopold 4/2009
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  • edited August 2014
    emmyg65 said:
    Ew. Wellesley is a women's college, so it's especially odd as a boy's name.

    Wesley is nice.
    Dude.  Don't give your son the name of a women's college.  I went to a women's college, and I still wouldn't do it.

    I know several children (boys and girls) with the first name as Wells/Welles.  Not my style, but it's a real name.  And way better than giving your child the name of a college you didn't attend or have any relation to.

    mm 2/17/11 * dd born 4/20/12 * bo 1/3/14 * edd 1/211/15 


  • Love Wesley!

    Wellesley is nms and a little clumsy to say.
  • Lol Wellsley - I will chalk this one up to preggo brain.

    Wells sounds pretentious, but is about 1000% better than Wellsley

    Wesley is nice. What about Brooks? It has sort of the "feel" of Wells but is a name. 
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  • I went to school with a guy named Wells.  I like it.
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  • kimbee009kimbee009 member
    edited September 2014

    Lol Wellsley - I will chalk this one up to preggo brain.

    Wells sounds pretentious, but is about 1000% better than Wellsley

    Wesley is nice. What about Brooks? It has sort of the "feel" of Wells but is a name. 
    When looking up a full name that can work with Wells as a nn, I automatically thought it would be spelled this way, but all name sites have it's as Wellesley...I guess it's a British spelling : /

    Ugh, I guess it's out there... I'm not going to lie, I still like Wells--just feel like it's incomplete.

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  • 4N6s4N6s member
    I agree with the others - maxwell or Wesley.
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