May 2013 Moms

Anyone elses little one NOT walking?

DS was born 5/15/13, so he just turned 15 months the other day, but, he is till not walking.

He will walk with his walker if you put him up to it, but he will not seek it out to walk.  He will walk if you hold his hands and walk either in front of or behind him.  He also will not stand by himself or get up to standing by himself.

I am starting to worry.  A few weeks ago he was attempting to stand on his own from a sitting position and getting the hang of it.  He would also let go of the couch and walk a few, nothing.

Our 15 month check up is Friday and he does get ear tubes next week, so I am hoping it has something to do with that.

Just wondering if anyone else is in the same boat?

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Re: Anyone elses little one NOT walking?

  • LO just started walking this week and he is a 4/26 baby. The pedi said recently that there was no concern that he wasnt walking yet...Up to 18 mos is considered within the range of "normal," and even then, they'd only be concerned of he wasn't pulling himself up/cruising/showing interest in walking.
    Lilypie First Birthday tickers
  • I think you will get more info at your 15 month appointment. I hope all is well.
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  • My oldest DD didn't take her first steps until 16 months, and couldn't walk across a room until 18 months.  Like PP said, she also had a larger head and we were actually being followed by a neurologist and pediatric neurosurgeon for the head size.  Her head ended up fine (she just has a larger head just like her daddy) and she did have a lot of ear infections around the same time.  In any event, she's 16 now, and was captain of her JV volleyball team, played varsity soccer, etc.  Try not to worry, and keep providing opportunities.  As PPs said, also talk with your doctor, but I thought you'd like the encouraging info. GL!

    **DD1 - 7/9/98**

    **DS - 11/9/00**

    **DD2 - 4/30/13**

  • Same here. Our doc told us the same as @MOMama987‌. He is pulling up and walks holding our hands. He has taken a few steps by himself and has stood up unassisted like 4 times. I honestly don't think he wants to yet and is stubborn.
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  • My LO isn't walking yet (5/21 baby).  She cruises and loves to walk holding our hands.  Just about 2 weeks ago she started standing without holding on and over the past few days she is doing that more.  She has taken 1 or 2 steps without holding on but only a few times.  I think she's the oldest one at her daycare who's not walking but I'm trying not to worry too much since she is making progress.
  • This LO walked by 11ish months, but DD1 didn't take many steps till about 16 months, and walked across the room around 17 months. She was a 35 weeker.
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  • I have no idea what a P & R is, but no, I am not new, I just do not post a lot.  2 small children and a small farm to run doesn't leave me much time.  Although I am not sure why it would matter if I was new or not.

    Anyway, 15 month apt was Friday.  Pedi said that why he "should" be walking he was not concerned at this point.  He said to give it 3 more months and at that point we would re-evaluate.  He said to keep working with him.  He said that while the fluid behind the ears was more than likely related to his delayed speech there was no scientific evidence that it caused any sort of vertigo that would make it uncomfortable for him to stand/walk.

    He got his tubes in yesterday and the ENT stated he had a lot of thick fluid in both ears, similar to paste.  He stated that he expected his speech to improve as well as his confidence in standing/walking.  He said that it could be causing him balance to believe?

    I think it may be a combination of both the ear issues and just being a bit lazy and being able to crawl so fast he really doesn't see the need in walking yet.


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