Well, it used to be like twice a week except period week. But ever since having Q, my period drags on for damn near two weeks at a time. It's not bad that entire time but neither of us is down for it until it's finished so our availability has been cut in half.
Did the ladies who were breastfeeding and now have weaned babies, find there sex drive is back? Or did you find breastfeeding had nothing to do with sex drive?
I put a couple times a week. My drive has been really low ever since DD, but just lately (like this week!) I'm finally getting my mojo back . I don't know if it is because DD has been dropping nursing sessions like crazy (we are down to once a day most days) or what. But I'm happy about it and DH is very happy about it
Did the ladies who were breastfeeding and now have weaned babies, find there sex drive is back? Or did you find breastfeeding had nothing to do with sex drive?
My drive is from being pregnant again, I'm sure. Weaning was great because he will finally touch my boobs again, before their off limits because they are "babies food source." (His choice, not mine.)
Re: How often do you have sex?
Weaning was great because he will finally touch my boobs again, before their off limits because they are "babies food source." (His choice, not mine.)