June 2013 Moms

How often do you have sex?

musicalsilvermusicalsilver member
edited August 2014 in June 2013 Moms
Just curious/nosey. :-D
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DS born 6/2013

How often do you have sex? 145 votes

Every day! Bow-chica-wow-wow!
0% 0 votes
Every other day. We're very regular.
3% 5 votes
A couple times a week.
26% 38 votes
Once a week, maybe?
26% 39 votes
A couple times a month.
14% 21 votes
Once a month-ish.
15% 23 votes
Sex, what's sex?
7% 11 votes
5% 8 votes

Re: How often do you have sex?

  • riansmommieriansmommie member
    edited August 2014
    SS when my hubby is deployed it's a 6 month dry spell :(. When he gets home it's everyday for a couple weeks and then we switch to once every 2-3 days.

    DD1 5/16/2006 8lbs 3oz 21" (2 days late, 36.5 hour labor)
    M/C 12/08/09 6w5d
    DS1 6/27/2013 7lbs 9oz 19.5" (1 day late, 17.5 hour labor)
    M/C 12/18/13 6w1d Twins
    BFP#5 4/6/13 EDD 12/16/2014

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  • My husband took a job for 7 months but when hes home it was every other day. During his week visits it was 2 times a day... :
  • We are usually at least 3 times a week. If he had his way? It'd be every day. But, sometimes I really just want to sleep.


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  • Well, it used to be like twice a week except period week.  But ever since having Q, my period drags on for damn near two weeks at a time.  It's not bad that entire time but neither of us is down for it until it's finished so our availability has been cut in half.
    Formerly known as elmoali :)

  • If I had my way every other day or so. But night shift gets in the way.
    1st born June 2013
  • About once a week? He works a lot of nights. Weekend nap time is fun.


  • kames12 said:

    At least once a week but we try for 2 times a week.







  • Few times a month. Working on changing that.

  • Did the ladies who were breastfeeding and now have weaned babies, find there sex drive is back? Or did you find breastfeeding had nothing to do with sex drive?
  • I put a couple times a week. My drive has been really low ever since DD, but just lately (like this week!) I'm finally getting my mojo back :). I don't know if it is because DD has been dropping nursing sessions like crazy (we are down to once a day most days) or what. But I'm happy about it and DH is very happy about it
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  • GalLaura said:

    Did the ladies who were breastfeeding and now have weaned babies, find there sex drive is back? Or did you find breastfeeding had nothing to do with sex drive?

    My drive is from being pregnant again, I'm sure.
    Weaning was great because he will finally touch my boobs again, before their off limits because they are "babies food source." (His choice, not mine.)

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