January 2014 Moms

You know you're tired when...

painttheair14painttheair14 member
edited August 2014 in January 2014 Moms
I got this idea from a moms Facebook group I'm in and thought it was fun.

Finish the sentence:
You know you're tired when...

ETA clarity
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Patrick: born at home on January 14, 2014

Re: You know you're tired when...

  • Run your car into a pole (I really should just get a bicycle, I'm a hazard)
    AnnRenee 1/21/03
    Luke 12/30/2013
  • Loading the player....
  • km_md said:
    You roll over to nurse your baby in the middle of the night, take out your boob, only to realize that the dog is in bed next to you and your baby is in her room in her crib. (and you never did bedshare, which makes it even stranger lol)
    This is hilariously awesome. 
    AnnRenee 1/21/03
    Luke 12/30/2013
  • You wake up to a baby chatting in the middle of the night and you wonder who's baby it is and why the baby is in your house

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

  • You're out of town visiting your parents and nurse DS in sidelying position to sleep. Two hours later with my still boob out, my little sister picks up DS to put him in his PNP.  And I...rolled over and went back to sleep.
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • robertin said:

    You pour cereal in to your coffee.

    Or when you pour your coffee into the cereal bowl.
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    Patrick: born at home on January 14, 2014

  • You are about to swallow two Tylenol and realize that those two white things are actually earrings in the palm of your hand... Gulp!

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

  • You put face wash in your hair, twice in a matter of minutes, while in the shower.
  • You put your vitamins in the microwave instead of the cupboard above the microwave
  • jcwinstojcwinsto member
    edited August 2014
    You forget if you've shampooed your hair so you shampoo it again...3 times because you forgot again, 30 seconds later, if you had shampooed your hair. Edit because apparently I'm tired and forgot the difference between a period and a comma.
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • There are a few, ha ha!! Pouring OJ in your cereal, I'm known to do that. And giving DS his bottle with the cover cap still on. No wonder he's crying and screaming. Poor boy
  • itsmeally said:

    ...you frantically wake up in a stupor thinking your baby is asleep in bed next to you and you're rolling over on her when you NEVER bed shared. I have this thought like twice a week.

    Mine is the opposite. We bed shared up until now and have been starting him out in the crib for bedtime. I have quite a few times woke up throwing pillows and blankets searching for baby thinking he was lost in my blankets or has rolled off the bed. I look across the room to a snoring baby in his crib. Nothing like that to make your heart skip a few beats...
  • itsmeally said:

    ...you frantically wake up in a stupor thinking your baby is asleep in bed next to you and you're rolling over on her when you NEVER bed shared. I have this thought like twice a week.

    Mine is the opposite. We bed shared up until now and have been starting him out in the crib for bedtime. I have quite a few times woke up throwing pillows and blankets searching for baby thinking he was lost in my blankets or has rolled off the bed. I look across the room to a snoring baby in his crib. Nothing like that to make your heart skip a few beats...
    During the first few days of motherhood, I would often wake up thinking there was another baby lost in the room somewhere. I even made up the name Podrick lol. Ridiculous.
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    Patrick: born at home on January 14, 2014

  • You step into the shower and turn the water on and then realize you are still wearing your bra.
  • You put the roll of paper towels in the fridge.

    You wake up and thank DH for changing a diaper and magically getting DD back to sleep without a boob. Then he wakes up and says," huh? You got back in bed from nursing her to sleep 2 hours ago..."...I did??
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