Trying to Get Pregnant

Serious, non-offensive question about all your views on religion & TTC


Re: Serious, non-offensive question about all your views on religion & TTC

  • Oh yes, because banning is how you really stick it to me huh.  I bet you go around IRL, meet a stranger, find something you don't like about them and say "I ban you".  Nice ladies, nice.
    Maybe not exactly like that, but if I have the option, I certainly don't make a point of talking to them.
    Which is exactly why you're talking to me right now, right?  
  • edited August 2014

    Oh yes, because banning is how you really stick it to me huh.  I bet you go around IRL, meet a stranger, find something you don't like about them and say "I ban you".  Nice ladies, nice.

    I wouldn't say I ban you but if they said flamey shit to me all the fucking time I'd punch them in the face. Consider yourself lucky.

    ETA: I'm joking... Mostly
    Image and video hosting by TinyPic    Image and video hosting by TinyPic    Image and video hosting by TinyPic
    BabyFetus Ticker
    TTGP since September 2013. All cycles were annovulatory due to Depo. 
    Surprise BFP: November 5, 2014

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  • Oh yes, because banning is how you really stick it to me huh.  I bet you go around IRL, meet a stranger, find something you don't like about them and say "I ban you".  Nice ladies, nice.

    IRL, do you hang around a bunch of people who don't like you? I'm done with this thread. You're just embarrassing yourself at this point. 
    TTC #1 since 8/2013
    DX: Unexplained infertility 11/2014
    Hysteroscopy, D&C 11/17/14
  • saltbox40 said:
    This is actually quite funny
  • The fact that you confuse people liking YOU (or even wanting to argue with you) with people liking a little bit of silly interwebs drama during some boring points of their day,  is awkwardly sad.  

    image  image
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    TTC#1 since May 2012. Low AMH, High FSH.
    Factor II (Prothrombin) Mutation
    TTGP Award Best PIP 2013 & 2014

    My Chart

  • The Jesus jamming down the street gif made my day! :D

    LFAF Summer 2016 Awards:

    Lilypie First Birthday tickers

  • @bibliothecary


    I can't stop looking at it.

    image  image
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    Me: 30   DH:31 
    Married 9/2010
    TTC 10/2013
    RE Help from 10/2014-10/2016 (11 failed IUIs, a corrective surgery, and a donor embryo cycle)
    9/2016-transferred two donor embies
    BFP 9/29/26 EDD June 11
    BabyGaga BabyFruit Ticker
  • mak7788mak7788 member
    edited August 2014
    WolFox said:


    This gif is a longer than the amount of time I spent taking OP seriously... 
    I can't stand reading any more of @IrisPetals‌ BS. I just wanted to say I can't stop laughing at this! (I'm mobile...hopefully gif is in the quote)

    Edited for clarity

    Married 7/21/12

    Off bcp and ttc 9/1/13

    bfp 7/20/14, m/c 7/23

    will ttc again 8/14


    cat animated GIF

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