Trying to Get Pregnant

***WTO Thursday***


Re: ***WTO Thursday***

  • Cycle 3

    Cd 11

    What we are doing: having ED sex, opk, preseed and charting. I'm temping but it's my first month and I haven't been good about it.

    Rants and raves: on a whim I went out and bought a digital opk kit for $30! I hope this month is our month.

    GTKY: If you had to pick a celebrity to play you in the movie of your life, who would it be? @3houlagirl‌ people tell me I look like kirsten dunst as well! I don't get it. I think it's because we have the same pointy k9 fangs and face shape. I agree she's not that stellar of an actress. . .So if I got to choose I would choose Rachael McAdams. I think she has so much charisma.

    Sorry for all the cd1 ladies joining us. That first week is such a long one :(
    Lilypie Breastfeeding tickers
  • @AnnaTTCat32‌ - CD2 sucks this time! The cramps have stopped, but the bloat! Holy cow. And gas. And I still have a headache. I miss my BCP!
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  • Julz81Julz81 member
    Cycle/month: 3/3

    CD: 2

    What are you doing: Just waiting.. I did go out and buy some opk's, I have to go read up on when I'm supposed to start using them. 

    Rants/raves/chart stalk:  My only rant is that I thought yesterday was Thursday all day for some reason, so really disappointing waking up today to Thursday again.

    GTKY: If you had to pick a celebrity to play you in the movie of your life, who would it be? Sadly I really can't think of anyone..

    BFP: 04/03/2014  EDD: 12/15/2014  HB: 04/30/14 (75bpm) MC: 5/2/2014 (natural)


    BabyFetus Ticker

  • ok, so I'm asking this here. Not sure if I should start a new thread, but I figure you all would know. (and I tried looking it up before I asked, but couldn't find a when....) I'm thinking more seriously about temping and wondered if you absolutely had to start temping on Cycle Day 1? We're going out of town this weekend and sharing a hotel room with my parents, and since we're keeping this TTC a secret until we get a BFP, I won't be able to temp until Monday, which will be Cycle Day 5. Is that too late in the cycle to start??

    Well, technically I could temp tomorrow morning, on Cycle Day 2, but then would miss Cycle Days 3 & 4. Would it be better to start tomorrow and then skip 3 & 4? Or just start from scratch on Day 5??
  • PenguinMG said:

    @mallory4284, I don't think it would be a problem to start on CD5. I temp vaginally, so I skip the days that I'm on my period and usually pick up right around CD4 or 5. You want to see a temp shift, so unless you O before CD10 or so I couldn't imagine starting at CD5 causing a problem. Good luck!

    This. FF needs six days of temps prior to O to see a pattern. I temp vaginally through my period (I use a menstrual cup, so it's not gross, I promise) but most people don't. It just really bugs my data-collecting brain when I'm missing a few data points :)
    TTC #1: May 2014

    My Chart
  • Cycle/month: 8


    What are you doing: Tracking CM, green tea, pineapple, sex-in it up EOD/ED and preseed

    Rants/raves/chart stalk: So much stinking lube in me from the past two days of appointments, it's hard to get a good read on my CM today. Hopefully things are similar to my past cycles so we don't miss our O.  

    GTKY: If you had to pick a celebrity to play you in the movie of your life, who would it be? Oohh..that's a tough one. I'd say I'm def a J-Law fan.. so why not? 

    Me: 26 DH:27
    Military family
    TTC#1 Jan 14

    BFP! 17 Aug 2014 | EDD 26 April 15

    BabyFruit Ticker
  • hollyk224hollyk224 member
    edited July 2014
    Cycle/month: 4/4

    CD: 17

    What are you doing: Sex, Preseed, Temping, OPKs, PNVs

    Rants/raves/chart stalk: I had a positive OPK this afternoon, and our timing is really good this cycle.  Staying positive!

    GTKY: If you had to pick a celebrity to play you in the movie of your life, who would it be? Reese Witherspoon
    TTC #1 Since April 2014
    Me: 27 | DH: 31
    08/2006 - Laparoscopy/Stage 1 Endo
    10/2014 - Bloodwork normal, HSG all clear
    10/2014 - DH's SA 15mil/mL, 35% motility, 6% morphology
    BFP #1: 12/29/14 | EDD: 9/9/15


  • @AnnaTTCat32‌ Thanks for your crossed fingers and good luck figuring your O date out! FX for you as well!
    Married 07/15/2006 DS # 1&2 born 07/06/2007 TTC# 3 since 10/2013
  • @mallory4284‌ - I temp orally and I don't always start on CD1 either. I try to, but I don't always and I still see a shift. I also don't always temp after O. I'm really bad at this temping thing, but I'm trying to improve!

    @Musikalbunni‌ - tetanus shots are the worst! I had one 11 years ago that was pure hell and I was terrified of getting the booster last year, but I did it and the nurse was fantastic and it didn't hurt at all. - until later, of course. But I'm not afraid anymore. I used to get anxiety about needles bc the first tetanus shot that I remember, the nurse jabbed that damn needle in me and it was awful. But I've had quite a few blood draws (and a new tetanus) since then, so my fear isn't quite as bad.
  • Cycle/month:3


    What are you doing:nothing

    Rants/raves/chart stalk:I have strep throat and feel like shit..... hopefully I get better soon so I don't miss my O day.

    GTKY: If you had to pick a celebrity to play you in the movie of your life, who would it be?
    I'm not sure.... sorry I can't really focus my thoughts today.
  • Cycle/month:5


    What are you doing: ya know

    Rants/raves/chart stalk: Both opks I took yesterday I stared at for at least 15 minutes trying to decide if they were positive or not. I feel like my test lines are not a consistent shade. Is it positive if any part of the test line is darker than the control line?  I marked it as + in my chart.

    GTKY: If you had to pick a celebrity to play you in the movie of your life, who would it be?  Laura Prepon
  • @SwivelChair5‌ - I love Laura Prepon! I like her voice. Good choice!
  • Cycle/month: 1 ( i think...i'm new and not sure what this exactly means so I'm guessing what month trying or cycle trying am I on)

    CD: 24....I think haha. My cycle has been 24-26 in the last 3 months. Guess I'll know soon.

    What are you doing: temping, opk, THE BD!! :) lol. 

    Rants/raves/chart stalk: I'm so new to actually TRYING to get pregnant instead of just letting it happen. I have no idea if I'm charting right, or what else I should be doing. I'm open to any suggestions :) 

    GTKY: If you had to pick a celebrity to play you in the movie of your life, who would it be? I LOVE Kate Hudson! 
  • Cycle/month: 2

    CD: 1 :(

    What are you doing: PNV, CM, just starting temping, using Ovia to chart

    Rants/raves/chart stalk: Not too much other than feeling yucky due to AF arriving. Of course, the first cycle we TTC I had the longest cycle I've ever had and the strangest/slowest start to AF. Hopefully this cycle won't repeat that pattern

    GTKY - If you had to pick a celebrity to play you in the movie of your life, who would it be?: My first thought is Jennifer Aniston. I guess she's quite a bit older than me, but I love her and even though we don't exactly look alike it's not too massive of a stretch :)

  • Cycle/month: 2/2

    CD: 1

    What are you doing: temping, EOD, green tea

    Rants/raves/chart stalk: part of me is glad that AF is here so I can move on to the next cycle! Rando spotting on 12 dpo and an evap didn't help things either! Hoping for better timing this month

    GTKY: If you had to pick a celebrity to play you in the movie of your life, who would it be? I love Zooey Deschanel. She's so quirky I think it would work 
  • WolFoxWolFox member
    edited August 2014
    Cycle/month: 4/4

    CD: 1.....

    What are you doing: Temping

    Rants/raves/chart stalk: I had a GREAT looking temp spike and had my first "great" timing rating so far. I was excited.... too excited. Twice this week I had some darkness when I wiped (as in one wipe per day was dark, the others not) that didn't bother me. Then, last night... ON DPO MOTHERFUCKING 8... I got a lot of dark blood. Today I woke up and there was no blood, and nothing all day (hope!) but at 5pm I ended up with a lot of bright red, "yeah, it's definitely your period, stop lying to yourself" blood. DPO 9. I got my period too early to check last month too, except my temps were so screwed up due to stress  during my FW I didn't have a lot of hope for my timing. I need some OPKs... but seriously, this is the first CD 1 that's really rocked me..... 

    I'm in my fourth month and I've only taken one real pregnancy test because I start bleeding so early. Is my uterus just kicking things out early or is FF really off? Idk... *edited because reading this back made zero sense...*

    GTKY: If you had to pick a celebrity to play you in the movie of your life, who would it be? Hmmm.... Scarlet Johanson? 
  • Ugh. So sorry for CD 1 ladies!

    @mczado518‌ - welcome! Yes, cycle/month means how many cycles/ months you have been trying. There's a tutorial in the newbie blog on how to link your chart if you want people to look at it for you. Do you use Fertility Friend? If not, I suggest you download it and embrace it!
  • @physiomeg1623‌ Sorry you're going through it, too. We can be WTO buddies :)
    TTC #1: May 2014

    My Chart
  • @Wolfox Sorry for your CD1. :( Try to stay positive- I looked through your previous charts and it looks like not all of your luteal phases have been as short as this recent cycle. Maybe it was just a fluke.
    I am also trying to lengthen my LP (last cycle mine was 6 days- that was my first cycle temping but I had a hunch that my LP was short based on my notes from previous cycles) but I don't have any indication that what I am doing helps. FX for you this cycle- I will be thinking of you and following your posts. 
    October Siggy Challenge: Halloween Fails
    BabyFruit Ticker

    Me: 27, DH: 28
    Married 7/2012, TTC #1 1/2014
    BFP 8/8/14 EDD 4/15/2015

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