Hi ladies
I am peeking in from the M15 birth month board. I am pregnant with my 2nd child, DH & I have a 3yr old.
My daughter has always been a great napper/bedtime sleeper, never any issues. In February (she turned 3 in April) we switched her from a crib to her big girl bed. In the beginning she got up a few times a week & came in our room (we also moved into a new house then), but I would take her back to her room/tuck her in & she wouldn't get up again until morning. Early June she started taking longer to fall asleep, almost 1-2hrs and bedtime is at 7:30pm. From there it was back to getting up & coming to our room after about 2-3 months of not doing it. Over the last month she has been of course taking much longer to fall asleep, but she also comes to our room 5+ times a night before she will finally fall asleep. She has various reasons that she comes in my room & sometimes she doesn't say anything. She still has a 2hr nap time during the day that I am thinking of doing away with because she doesn't sleep everyday, some days it's a fight. I'm not sure how to stop her from coming to our room at night. She also wakes around 3 or 4am and crawls in our bed and if neither of us wakes up, she will sleep with us. Any advice anyone has is greatly appreciated!!! I need my sleep back at night. TIA!!!
Re: quick intro - bedtime help
DS did away with nap time by 2.5 and I'm now discovering that he probably only needs 10-11 hours of sleep a day. I am working on severely adjusting our bedtime and wake-up time to accomidate this. So you're right to think about getting rid of the nap. She probably needs much less sleep then she's getting.
We do a sticker chart where DS gets something he really wants if he earns 10 stickers. He has to sleep in his room all night to earn a sticker. (we started with five stickers).