Just wondering who and how often. :-)
DS has become my longest. DD1 weaned at 6 months because my supply TANKED when I got pregnant again. DD2 only did nighttime feedings through 13 months before she finally started to sleep through the night and gave it up entirely.
DS is 16 months and still attached to it. I've cut him down to only once before bedtime, but if he's having a rough time (teething, for example), he'll start pulling at my shirt to try to get to it. I had planned on weaning him at 1 year and I did cut out most of the feedings shortly after that, but I'm in no hurry to give up this last feeding.
Anyone else still nursing?
DD- 11/17/08, DD- 11/16/09, DS- 3/20/13
Re: Still BFing?
It seems like a lot but she goes four and six hour stretches now where she used to go only three or four tops.
We are still nursing too. I was off of work for the summer, so it was about 4 times per day. Now that I am back at work, it will probably be more like 3 times. I also thought that we would wean around a year, but I don't see the point. Both LO and I really enjoy it. We are kinda TTC, so we'll see what happens if/when I get pregnant though.