I have recently gone back to work and am pumping during the day and breastfeeding in the evening and morning. I have built up a pretty good stash of frozen breast milk. I am also pumping more everyday than my LO is eating. What is your routine and/or suggestions on milk usage. Do you use the oldest milk in the freezer first and keep freezing daily? Or do you use what you pump the day before and use your freezer stash as needed? Also, when you get milk out of the freezer to you just let it thaw in the fridge overnight? I am a first time mom and this is all new to me, so I'm just curious to what other moms are doing. I know there have probably been posts like this before, so sorry I didnt find any that were exactly what I was looking for.
Re: Working/pumping moms- what is your routine?
Mila eats at 630. Drop her off at daycare at 720
Pump at 830/9
Pump at 1130
Pump at 2
Pick her up at 4 and usually feed when we get home at 430
Then we feed on demand all night, usually every hour
She is currently eating about 8 1/2 ounces during the day. I rotate every monday. So i freeze what i pump Friday and pull from the freezer on monday. Seems to work so far! Sunday around dinner time i pull the frozen milk out and put it in the fridge
4:00-4:30am: I pump, she does not eat. I put 4-5 ozs in the fridge 4-5 ozs in the freezer.
6:30-7:00am: Wake up, get dressed, 5oz. I pump at work.
10:00-10:30am: 5 ozs at daycare. I pump at work.
12:30-1:00pm: 5 ozs at daycare. I pump at work.
3:30-4:00pm: Nurse
6:00-6:30pm: Nurse
7:30-8:00pm: 5 ozs from Dad.
8:30-9:00pm: I pump, she does not eat. I put 2-3 ozs in the fridge.
I mostly pumped to send to daycare. If I had extra I would freeze it. If I didn't produce enough we would thaw, I quit the pump and boob at 12m, she had a BM/WCM cocktail for a couple months after using frozen milk.
We thawed with hot water on demand.
7am - pump at home
9am, 12pm, 3pm - pump at work
5pm - nurse and/or give baby a bottle depending on how crabby he is.
7pm - pump
I have a huge freezer stash and have never pulled from it. I always use my day's pumped milk for the next day. Extra milk goes into the freezer.
5:30am - Nurse
6:30am - Nurse at daycare to top him off
8:30am - Pump
10:30am - Pump
12:30 - Nurse at daycare for the first week, switch to pump after
2:30pm - Pump
4:30pm - Nurse and on demand thereafter
5:30am - pump one breast
6:00am - nurse DD with other breast
The morning/early afternoon really depends on if I'm in court and whether they are trials but I'm thinking:
8:30am - pump
12:30pm - pump
3:30 pm - pump
5:30 pm - nurse and nurse on demand thereafter.
I have about 120 oz frozen and plan on pulling from that as needed so it doesn't go to waste. I don't have a deep freezer.
Pump 845
Pump 11am
Pump 130pm
Home at 4 usually nurse within half hour
DS1 - 7/2011, DD 12/2012, DS2 - 4/2014, MMC - 12/2015
6:45a feed LO
7:15a Pump at home after feeding. Take LO to DC and get to work by 8:30
9:45a Pump at work
12:45p Pump at work
3:45p Pump at work
5:45/6:00pm. Feed LO at home as needed.
So here is my thought after doing this a week.... OMG... How do you get any work done?! Btwn meetings and pumping I haven't gotten any actual work done. I share an office is I have to use a separate room 3 floors up. I'm also frustrated bc I barely get 3oz total at each session. I'm sending (4) 3oz bottles w LO each day and it's a stretch. I'm going to try some tricks to increase supply but I think I might start supplimenting one feeding a day with formula to build a back up supply of BM. I knew it would be a challenge but wow!