July 2014 Moms

He came a tad early

I was due on the 31st but he actually made an appearance on the 16th. 

I was out with my mam at the point, had no idea that I was in labour until my waters broke. Mam had to take me to the birth centre, FH was away for the day at work so my dad had to call his office (he had his mobile off) to call where he was to interupt a meeting to tell him to get on a train and come home. 

My mam and dad were with me for the first 4 hours while FH got there. They then left (well went to the pub around the corner) an hour and a half later I gave birth in a pool which was great. 

He weighed 6Ib 6 oz and is called Taliesin Elmo Nkanyezi (Surname) 

He is completely lush and lovely. 

Now we just need to get his passport sorted.


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