Where are you in your TTCAL journey? cd 19 Do you have any relevant appointments upcoming? Nope, just had some blood work, and H did a semenalysis, should get results soon QOTW: Do you find it harder to remain sane during the wait to O or two week wait? My craziness starts a few days before I think I will O, then once O is confirmed I'm ok until about 7dpo, then the crazies come back! Open Topic. What is on your mind this week? Had my much awaited appointment with my OB on Monday. She wasn't concerned that I'm not pregnant yet. She did ask if I wanted clomid, which made me a bit nervous as she had done no testing. She suggested just trying another 6 months. I agreed to wait on the clomid, not sure I can go for 6 months but I think atleast three. So, we'll see. I'm feeling a bit better having seen her, and having some what of a plan. She is checking my testosterone level but I really think everything is fine with me and H, it's just taking a while this time.
where are you in your ttcal journey? cd40!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! took my last provera pill this morning...hoping AF shows next week.
any relevant appts upcoming? cd3 ultrasound whenever that comes...
QOTW: def during the 2ww but my crazy can show up anytime!!!
Open Topic: Just wondering how much farther down this road we are going to have to travel. Just ready for some good news. Just at a loss as to why things keep not going right. trying to have a good attitude and be thankful for what we do have.
8/12-Suprise BFP- Sweet Bunny Born Sleeping 11/21/12 (19 weeks)
-5/7/13- MMC (8 Weeks)
11/6/13- BO discovered at 7 weeks- natural MC 11/25/13
8/14- Surpise IF dx...low AMH (.24)- moving on to IVF
IVF #1- 11/14- 6R5M4F=2 perfect frosties
12/19/14- FET of 2 embabies = BFP!!! One Little Bean EDD: 9/3/15
Where are you in your TTCAL journey? Cycle 4 CD9 Do you have any relevant appointments upcoming? Not for now.
QOTW: Do you find it harder to remain sane during the wait to O or two week wait? Sometimes I feel like it is hard to feel sane at all, between missing my son and longing to be pregnant... Don't think there is specific timing to it.
Open Topic. What is on your mind this week? I'm feeling kind of unmotivated right now about everything. Even about TTC. I was so disappointed last month. I guess maybe I'm just worn out and not excited about the possibility of another disappointment.
Where are you in your TTCAL journey? cycle 2, cd 28 Do you have any relevant appointments upcoming? None
QOTW: Do you find it harder to remain sane during the wait to O or two week wait? Two week wait for sure! I'm a crazy person.
Open Topic. What is on your mind this week? Annoyed and confused by my cycle this month. Since I've been tracking my cycles have been at most 26 days, from before Lincoln to when my cycles started again after he was born. So to suddenly be on cd 28 is annoying. I took a FRER yesterday morning and it was negative so I am relatively sure I'm not pregnant, so just frustrated that AF hasn't arrived so we can get trying again.
TTCAL journey: I've taken the last 2 months off. I needed a break. I rarely checked the bump and allowed myself to relax. During that time we met with an RE due to multiple losses. We decide to do an IUI cycle. It starts in about a week. I'm more than a little nervous and excited.
I have a MUCH harder time with the TWW. I'm crazy. LOL!
Open topic: can't believe that summer is almost over and I'm back to school in a few weeks. Ugh it went too fast.
BFP #1 March 24, 2010; missed m/c May 26, 2010 @ 12w 4d; D&E May 28, 2010
BFP #2 Oct 20, 2010; My little boy was born on July 5, 2011
BFP #3 April 30, 2013; Chemical Pg May 5, 2013
BFP #4 Aug 22, 2013; It's a boy. Loss discovered at 24 weeks on Jan 15, 2014 (cause CMV virus)
We love and miss you Timothy
BFP #5 April 6, 2014; missed m/c May 15, 2014 @ 9 weeks; Misoprostol May 15, 2014; D&C May June 3, 2014
Where are you in your TTCAL journey? cycle 1 day 16 Do you have any relevant appointments upcoming? no
QOTW: Do you find it harder to remain sane during the wait to O or two week wait? I'm not sure since this is my first cycle, but I think the two week wait is going to be harder. I really want to test now and I know it is way too early. Good thing I don't have any tests in the house right now. Open Topic. What is on your mind this week? I don't feel like I really fit anywhere right now. There's not many people who are TTC after a loss that also have a living child. I feel like I'm only allowed to talk about one of them anywhere and it's making me sad. I've also been super emotional the last couple of days. That's really not helping.
@dadalou - I can relate. I feel like so many PAL moms have a rainbow baby and not an older child, or that so many TTCAL have lost their first born. And the complexities of losing a baby with a living older sibling sometimes really overwhelm me. You are not alone! Even though it may feel that way sometimes.
Me: 32 DH: 33 High School Sweethearts Married 5/28/2005
DS1 born 6/5/10 at 40 weeks via emergency c-section due to fetal distress and IUGR caused by placental insufficiency
DS2 born still 8/28/13 at 32 weeks via emergency c-section due to a complete placental abruption - cause unknown
Baby #3 on the way, EDD 2/29/16. Originally twins, but we said goodbye to Baby B at 8 weeks.
Thanks @stefuge. I know there are a few others here who can relate. I was just having a terrible day. Something was said elsewhere that really got to me.
Where are you in your TTCAL journey? cd 14 Do you have any relevant appointments upcoming? Sound like a broken record, but still need to make an appt
w/ my MFM and still avoiding it. QOTW: Do you find it harder to remain sane during the wait to
O or two week wait?The whole thing drives me nuts. Which means I’m a
total joy to live with.My body is so out of whack, I never know when/if
I o. Lame.
Open Topic. What is on your mind this week?Just a
hormonal/grieving mess these days. Bringing a friend who is having a nightmare
pregnancy dinner tonight and I’m actually jealous. Just wish I knew if it was
even possible for me to get pregnant again. That is something no RE/OBGYN can
tell me. I just hear “we don’t know” over and over. I feel so pessimistic.
Re: TTCAL check in
Do you have any relevant appointments upcoming? Nope, just had some blood work, and H did a semenalysis, should get results soon
QOTW: Do you find it harder to remain sane during the wait to O or two week wait? My craziness starts a few days before I think I will O, then once O is confirmed I'm ok until about 7dpo, then the crazies come back!
Open Topic. What is on your mind this week? Had my much awaited appointment with my OB on Monday. She wasn't concerned that I'm not pregnant yet. She did ask if I wanted clomid, which made me a bit nervous as she had done no testing. She suggested just trying another 6 months. I agreed to wait on the clomid, not sure I can go for 6 months but I think atleast three. So, we'll see. I'm feeling a bit better having seen her, and having some what of a plan. She is checking my testosterone level but I really think everything is fine with me and H, it's just taking a while this time.
My Blog
BFP# 1 7/7/12 Beautiful DD born still at 36 weeks 5 days on 3/2/13
Diagnosed with PCOS in 2005. Started Metformin July 2013
Please be our rainbow!!
**All AL Welcome**
@shandorfml2- hope your results come back soon!
where are you in your ttcal journey? cd40!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! took my last provera pill this morning...hoping AF shows next week.
any relevant appts upcoming? cd3 ultrasound whenever that comes...
QOTW: def during the 2ww but my crazy can show up anytime!!!
Open Topic: Just wondering how much farther down this road we are going to have to travel. Just ready for some good news. Just at a loss as to why things keep not going right. trying to have a good attitude and be thankful for what we do have.
8/12-Suprise BFP- Sweet Bunny Born Sleeping 11/21/12 (19 weeks)
-5/7/13- MMC (8 Weeks)
11/6/13- BO discovered at 7 weeks- natural MC 11/25/13
8/14- Surpise IF dx...low AMH (.24)- moving on to IVF
IVF #1- 11/14- 6R5M4F=2 perfect frosties
12/19/14- FET of 2 embabies = BFP!!! One Little Bean EDD: 9/3/15
Everyone Welcome.
@marylaurena - FX for good news soon!
My Blog
BFP# 1 7/7/12 Beautiful DD born still at 36 weeks 5 days on 3/2/13
Diagnosed with PCOS in 2005. Started Metformin July 2013
Please be our rainbow!!
**All AL Welcome**
Where are you in your TTCAL journey? Cycle 4 CD9
Do you have any relevant appointments upcoming? Not for now.
QOTW: Do you find it harder to remain sane during the wait to O or two week wait?
Sometimes I feel like it is hard to feel sane at all, between missing my son and longing to be pregnant... Don't think there is specific timing to it.
Open Topic. What is on your mind this week? I'm feeling kind of unmotivated right now about everything. Even about TTC. I was so disappointed last month. I guess maybe I'm just worn out and not excited about the possibility of another disappointment.
Where are you in your TTCAL journey? cycle 2, cd 28
Do you have any relevant appointments upcoming? None
QOTW: Do you find it harder to remain sane during the wait to O or two week wait? Two week wait for sure! I'm a crazy person.
Open Topic. What is on your mind this week? Annoyed and confused by my cycle this month. Since I've been tracking my cycles have been at most 26 days, from before Lincoln to when my cycles started again after he was born. So to suddenly be on cd 28 is annoying. I took a FRER yesterday morning and it was negative so I am relatively sure I'm not pregnant, so just frustrated that AF hasn't arrived so we can get trying again.
I have a MUCH harder time with the TWW. I'm crazy. LOL!
Open topic: can't believe that summer is almost over and I'm back to school in a few weeks. Ugh it went too fast.
BFP #1 March 24, 2010; missed m/c May 26, 2010 @ 12w 4d; D&E May 28, 2010
BFP #2 Oct 20, 2010; My little boy was born on July 5, 2011
BFP #3 April 30, 2013; Chemical Pg May 5, 2013
BFP #4 Aug 22, 2013; It's a boy. Loss discovered at 24 weeks on Jan 15, 2014 (cause CMV virus)
We love and miss you Timothy
BFP #5 April 6, 2014; missed m/c May 15, 2014 @ 9 weeks; Misoprostol May 15, 2014; D&C May June 3, 2014
My Blog
BFP# 1 7/7/12 Beautiful DD born still at 36 weeks 5 days on 3/2/13
Diagnosed with PCOS in 2005. Started Metformin July 2013
Please be our rainbow!!
**All AL Welcome**
Do you have any relevant appointments upcoming? no
QOTW: Do you find it harder to remain sane during the wait to O or two week wait? I'm not sure since this is my first cycle, but I think the two week wait is going to be harder. I really want to test now and I know it is way too early. Good thing I don't have any tests in the house right now.
Open Topic. What is on your mind this week? I don't feel like I really fit anywhere right now. There's not many people who are TTC after a loss that also have a living child. I feel like I'm only allowed to talk about one of them anywhere and it's making me sad. I've also been super emotional the last couple of days. That's really not helping.
Where are you in your TTCAL journey? cd 14
Do you have any relevant appointments upcoming? Sound like a broken record, but still need to make an appt w/ my MFM and still avoiding it.
QOTW: Do you find it harder to remain sane during the wait to O or two week wait? The whole thing drives me nuts. Which means I’m a total joy to live with. My body is so out of whack, I never know when/if I o. Lame.
Open Topic. What is on your mind this week? Just a hormonal/grieving mess these days. Bringing a friend who is having a nightmare pregnancy dinner tonight and I’m actually jealous. Just wish I knew if it was even possible for me to get pregnant again. That is something no RE/OBGYN can tell me. I just hear “we don’t know” over and over. I feel so pessimistic.