Flame Free Friday Confession Time!
ATTENTION Newbies ( And others who haven't caught on yet) ---> FFFC is to CONFESS. Not whine, not moan, not gripe, not vent, not complain & especially not to be confused with Unpopular Opinions or WTF Wednesday. Just confess. That is all. Now move along...nothing more to see here.
Re: 07/25 FFFC
Yesterday I flew solo with DS & newborn DD on a trip to Target. I had picked DS up from my mom who took him to get his hair cut when she had hers done. At Target DD was screaming like a wookie with her shrill newborn cry while we were checking out. I notice that DS's shorts are SOAKED. My mom had forgot to put a new pull up on him or something while at the hair salon. So I get them out to the car, DD is still freaking out & DS is soaked. I was starting to get nervous & lose my mind & all I could figure out to do is get the kids home.
So I put soaked DS in his car seat with the intention of fixing everything when we got home 15 minutes later. He was asleep when we got home so I just let him sleep -- soaked -- in his toddler bed. I felt like crap but I knew if I woke him up to change him he would be awake with a 15 minute power nap & life would be AWFUL for all of us all night until he finally went to bed. So yeah, I let my kid sleep in pee pants for 2 hours. Not my proudest parenting moment.
Anyone know how to get breastmilk out of microfiber?
And I now refuse to share pics w pretty much either of our mothers bc they keep putting them on FB. Yes. I'm petty.
Jk. I actually just sat around with a baby suction cupped to my boob and ate peanut butter out of the jar while contemplating on whether I felt like watching "chocolat" or "The Best Man's Holiday" for the 15th time.
FFFC: I keep finding things we're out of (like once a day) so I can go to target by myself for 25 minutes without a toddler and a newborn and drink some Starbucks. I don't know what I'm gonna do when DH goes back to work.
FWIW they aren't directed at her.
Ahh.. yeah, been there. In first tri when I had to throw up (just bile and liquid) I'd jump in the shower if I had time. Because I knew that I would pee as I threw up, and then want to take a shower anyway - 3 birds, one stone sorta thing. Thank God hubby never walked in on one of those days...
FFFC: I watched a full marathon of Law and Order SVU yesterday, didn't go anywhere and called my mom to bring me an ice cream cone from dairy queen. I bribed her with telling her the DS was super active and she might get to feel him before he became an outside baby. I'm a bad daughter.
I just severely burned one piece of sausage to the point of a smoke filled kitchen and a set off fire alarm.
My first thought?
"I hope the sausage is still edible. Maybe if I drown the sausage in syrup, it'll still taste good. Ah, what the heck. I'll eat it anyway."
@litera good for you!
FFFC #2 -
When I was pregnant I used a grabber thingy (yes, that's the proper name) to pick stuff up off the floor. Now I am not pregnant & I am still using it so I don't have to bend over. No shame in my game.
So maybe the confession should be that I didn't say anything when it rang up for more than I had paid for it. I considered it a happy coincidence.
But good to know if I use the credit to buy diapers, it's all good.
My mom wants to hold the baby all the time but I'm so mad at her for all the shit she's pulled recently that I'm being a bitch and i give no fucks about it.
I mean it is my baby and I'm not hogging her away from DH. I'm just sick of her acting like this and feeling no consequences. Plus she smokes like fucking John Wayne and washing her hands doesn't cut for me. But she won't understand that, she totally has no problem with my siblings walking into and hanging out in the garage when she smoking. (They are 6 and 4)
Also my DH complained about ONLY getting 6 hours of sleep when I woke him this morning. He quickly realized I hadn't slept at all and let me crash out for a couple hours. Smart man.
Whatevs. Guess who won't be baby sitting.