July 2014 Moms

07/25 FFFC

Flame Free Friday Confession Time!

ATTENTION Newbies ( And others who haven't caught on yet)  ---> FFFC is to CONFESS. Not whine, not moan, not gripe, not vent, not complain & especially not to be confused with Unpopular Opinions or WTF Wednesday. Just confess. That is all. Now move along...nothing more to see here.





Re: 07/25 FFFC

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  • Kbelle24 said:
    I absolutely HATE talking on the phone.  I avoid all calls and just panic if I have to make a call.  DH wants me to call our insurance lady and I just don't want to.  So from our land line, I dial the number, let it go through, then hang up really fast.  Then when DH asks, I say I couldn't get a hold of anyone, and if he looks at call ID, it will show that I really did call.  It only shows the last number dialed out and doesn't show how long the call was.  I don't think he would ever check the call ID, but I like to be covered!  This buys me some time until I really do get courage to make the call, or he just does it himself!  That's what I'm aiming for, it's worked a couple times already!
    This whole thing cracked me up! Well played!  ^:)^



  • I really want to give up breastfeeding with all the latching issues, every hour feedings, and no sleep.  I am not going to as this is what DD needs.  Seeing a lactation specialist on Monday.
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • Skeemer said:
    I really want to give up breastfeeding with all the latching issues, every hour feedings, and no sleep.  I am not going to as this is what DD needs.  Seeing a lactation specialist on Monday.
    It's good that you're seeing the specialist. Whichever method of feeding you decide to do for your LO is okay. Don't put pressure on yourself either way. Good luck!
    Thank you.  We tried formula in the hospital when she was on the IV to make it a bit easier and she would have none of it...she looked at us with one eye that seemed to say 'you want me to eat what?!'  So I fed her from my boob with an IV in her little arm all taped up.  Hardest thing I have done in my life, so I am sure I can get through this too.  A lot crying, a lot of pain, but in the end it is worth it cause I am so in love with my daughter.
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • aliletz said:
    Every day, my resolve to steer clear of induction and/or c-section crumbles a little more.  If they told me that bungee jumping would 100% get him out of me [safely] right now, I'd do it.
    If that works, please promise to youtube it. :D
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • I have been really fast and loose with my swear words since the baby came. I know once she starts understanding English and talking I won't be able to use them anymore. I will miss them terribly.
    FWIW they aren't directed at her.


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  • I leaked milk all over our sofa this morning (was up feeding him pretty much every hour, and finally passed out topless on the sofa).

    Anyone know how to get breastmilk out of microfiber?

    @SuperTinkerham‌ I have a microfiber coach and everything leaves a stain even water. I found on Pinterest to spray the coach with rubbing alcohol and scrub with a sponge. I now do this all the time and my coach looks like new.
  • MIL posted photos of baby in Facebook before I was ready and I was pissssssed. In retaliation I refused to tell them baby's name for 3 days. Just kept saying we hadn't figured it out yet. And I now refuse to share pics w pretty much either of our mothers bc they keep putting them on FB. Yes. I'm petty.
    No, you're not petty.  You're the Momma!  Love that you had the retaliation card to play.  I've already told everyone my squishy's name, so I have nothing but a request that everyone wait to post.  His sister posts EVERYTHING and I am afraid she's going to beat me to "introducing" my son to everyone.  She has already stolen a huge chunk of my "friends" since our mutual friends are no longer just isolated to family only (and we don't run in the same social circle).   

    So I guess my first confession is that I am terrified my sil is going to steal my thunder and announce/introduce my squishy on Facebook to my friends before I get the chance.  :-(

    2nd confession- My induction is scheduled for next week, and I am scared to death of labor and delivery.  

    3rd confession- Because the end is near, I am totally ramping up and drinking more caffeine so that my LO moves around more.  I'm going to miss his little kicks, twists, and even his feet in my ribs when he is outside.  

  • I wanted to go home so bad from the hospital yesterday late afternoon that I didn't care my BP was 170/105. Thankfully DH and the attending on call convinced me if was safer to stay one more night and get checked out. Pretty sure if it wasn't for DH I would have told them all that I didn't care and my BP would go back down like it had been and if be fine.
  • jessafish said:

    TwizzyG said:

    I bought an infant carrier at Target on clearance for 1/2 off. I returned it to BRU and got a full price credit.

    I'm totally flaming you for this. That's retail fraud.
    As opposed to defrauding the government WIC program?


    I find that there's a difference between diapering my kid, and trying to scam a store just because I can, but you have a point. She might be trying to diaper a kid, too, and just didn't say.

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    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • I've been home from the hospital since yesterday late afternoon. DH works nights, gets off 8 am and decided go to the gym after work. He's now 2hours late and not answering his Phone while I'm struggling to keep 18 month old DD from smothering DS and keeping them both happy. I'm pissed. And guess I'd rather him be fat and helping me at home then healthy and at the gym all day.
    Uh, yeah, I'd be pissed, too. It's your first full day home with 2u2 (including a brand new baby). He can skip the gym.
  • The user and all related content has been deleted.
  • **snipped quotes**
    As opposed to defrauding the government WIC program? image
    I find that there's a difference between diapering my kid, and trying to scam a store just because I can, but you have a point. She might be trying to diaper a kid, too, and just didn't say.
    So, scamming the government totally cool, scamming a retail store not so much. Perfect logic, got it.
    Wait what? What am I missing with the diapering/WIC madness?



  • **snipped quotes**
    As opposed to defrauding the government WIC program? image
    I find that there's a difference between diapering my kid, and trying to scam a store just because I can, but you have a point. She might be trying to diaper a kid, too, and just didn't say.
    So, scamming the government totally cool, scamming a retail store not so much. Perfect logic, got it.
    Wait what? What am I missing with the diapering/WIC madness?
    I'm on mobile so I can't go back through post histories to find it, but apparently certain people think it's perfectly acceptable to return/sell WIC formula for cash if they think their reason is legitimate enough. As opposed to just returning a baby carrier to a different store.
    Wowsers. Um... :^o



  • I have watched so much HGTV in the last week that it's now all reruns, dang it!
    MSUDucks said:

    FFFC #2 -

    When I was pregnant I used a grabber thingy (yes, that's the proper name) to pick stuff up off the floor. Now I am not pregnant & I am still using it so I don't have to bend over. No shame in my game.


    Hilarious!!! And genius!
    :D My mom saw me trying to get something out of the floor & brought hers to me the next time she came over. I'm going to pretend I lost it. ;) Picking up DS's toys has never been so easy peasy!



  • I did something way stupid and learned not to post unless I am fully awake with enough sleep under my belt.
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