July 2014 Moms

Tomorrow is my due date, yet no signs?!

Well tomorrow my baby girl is supposed to arrive but I'm still not dilated nor am I effaced :( thinking she's going to come late. Anyone else in my boat?

Re: Tomorrow is my due date, yet no signs?!

  • Try to relax. Have you had sex? That started my labor both times! This time my husband (his first baby) was scared to death to try it the last month finally the day I was going to get induced we did and when I got to the hospital I was having contractions and didn't know it:) I didn't have to get induced until the next day, they gave me pitocin because I slowed down once I was dialated to 3. And it was WAY better before the pitocin so try everything to get it Rollin:)
  • Remember the due date is just a scientifically based guess.  If this is your first, a majority of first time babies are late.  Baby will come eventually--I know it feels like it's going to be forever.  I know I'm going a little stir crazy myself because I'm someone who likes plans and currently I have no plans besides waiting for baby.  

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  • Due date today too, with my 2nd. They tired checking me on Wednesday after having contractions over night but couldn't reach my cervix enough to tell if I was dilated or effaced. I am so ready. Baby come/ come.
    BFP 11/10/13 due July 20th, 2014
    TTC #2 July 2013
    DS #1 8/12/2011

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  • edited July 2014
    @McCormic1020‌ Yup we have sex about every night! I'm scared to be induced.. I'm a FTM :(
  • @summerlovin314 I figured she wasn't going to come on her estimated due date since I couldn't remember when my last period was to figure out my due date. Just nervous about being induced... So not wanting that to happen :/
  • I have been given 3 due dates, so I'm either 8 days past due, 4 days past, or 5 days before. My cervix is still thick and long dilated 1 and not effaced at all. This is my 2nd. I feel you on the stress
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  • @Jbosarge85‌ be happy you're dilated to 1! I'm at 0 still! The struggle is real though.. Ready to meet my bundle of joy!
  • @aliletz‌ wow I didn't know randoms weren't welcomed here. Should I have made a post introducing myself? I'm new to this..
  • @aliletz‌ wow I didn't know randoms weren't welcomed here. Should I have made a post introducing myself? I'm new to this..

  • @litera‌ that does suck, but it's not a competition! Lol. It wouldn't surprise me one bit if I go a week overdue and have to be induced.. My doctor said they won't let me go over a week overdue.
  • @aliletz‌ I was just answering that girls question. Thanks though.
  • @aliletz‌ do you normally act this rude to new comers on this app?
  • @jessea8907 actually my very first comment on this I did not tag who I was speaking to. Then i saw a comment with a tag so I edited my first comment and tagged the person I was speaking to because I thought maybe they wouldn't get my response if I did not tag them. I'm still very confused and have to go back and search for this thread every time I leave it in the birth club thing because there's no notifications? It's all really confusing actually.
  • Due dates come and go. There are MANY people that are overdue, due soon, and just as anxious. Finding something to do with your time might be helpful...
  • edited July 2014
    @bcook530‌ Good idea! Id love to start a hobby!
  • @ADC1979‌ Hahahaha YASSSS that is great! Is that you?!

  • jessa8907 said:
    @aliletz‌ do you normally act this rude to new comers on this app?
    I'm finding it difficult to believe you are new since you seem to have a firm grasp on the tagging feature and a tendency to ignore actual responses in favor of stirring drama.
    To be fair, it's not exactly complicated.

    Big sister {September 2008} Sweet boy {April 2011} Fuzzy Bundle {ETA July 2014}

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  • No, but the google image search of overdue baby was pretty entertaining for me for about 15 minutes.  It would be my luck that if I sharpied up my belly, I'd immediately go into labor and then have to explain at L&D why a meme is covering baby.

    ...alternately, that may be a great way to promote labor for overdue moms!

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  • @summerlovin314 I've been trying to get my fiancé to paint a picture on my belly and take some pictures of it before our daughter arrives! Like maybe a sun or ladybug, something cute! I think it' be fun.
  • @ADC1979‌ oh my I can totally picture that happening in my head! I bet the nurses would get a good laugh and wash it off for you lol
  • So, since I clearly missed the intro post in the past 9 months... you are almost at your 40 week EDD, which may or may not be right because you don't know when your LMP was, and what about a dating ultrasound??

    I feel like it's a little easier to give a fuck about someone who doesn't just show up and is like, I'm almost due, with my first, it's not coming out yet (even though most babies don't) whine whine whine an then gets all bitchy when people who *have* been here the whole time question them.
  • @backwoodsbrunette soooo... were you going to answer the question?  Did you have a dating ultrasound then to confirm an actual EDD or is it really just a random +/- 3 weeks guess on when your baby is due?
  • Same boat here my due date was 7.14.14, finally got to 3cm today, I am not scheduled to be induced until 41+1.

    Fingers crossed I go over the weekend on my own though.
  • @alyssa719 I obviously had an ultrasound which dated my due date.
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  • My first was three weeks early with no signs of any action before my water broke and things moved fast after that. This waiting around business is very different.

    Ds was nine pounds so i feel like each week that goes by, this one is growing like crazy and will be even bigger. :-\
    Alex has arrived! 9 pounds, 21 inches - 3 weeks early on March 2nd ~went natural - very intense. whew!~
  • @MTAtlanta‌ wow maybe that's what's going to happen to me! No signs whatsoever and then all of sudden everything falls into place at once! Lol I hope the best for ya on the size of your baby though.. I know my baby is measuring with a slightly big head. Kinda scary! Really don't want to tear :/ also I'm in GA as well :)
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